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CMS Releases Updated Five Star Quality Ratings for Care Centers
On January 27, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) today released updated Five-Star quality ratings for care centers. Beginning with this month’s update, all three domains (Survey, Staffing, and Quality) will again operate as they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. All care centers should review the new ratings posted at Medicare Care Compare. As described in this revised Technical Users’ Guide, updates to the specific domains are as follows:
DHS to conduct telephone survey with new Elderly Waiver participants
On January 27, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The Department of Human Services (DHS) Aging and Adult Services Division announced this week that they are working with the University of Indianapolis Center for Aging and Community and Knowledge Services to conduct a telephone survey of new Elderly Waiver (EW) participants. The purpose of the survey is to learn about new EW participants’ long-term care needs and decision-making leading up to enrollment.
Implementation of the HCBS rule tiered standards, effective Jan. 11, 2021
On January 27, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The Disability Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services has announced that effective Jan. 11, 2021, there are new tiered standards for HCBS settings that provide the following services through the disability waivers (BI, CADI, CAC, DD waivers):
Now Available - Moratorium Exceptions Process Application Materials
On January 27, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently released the application materials for an unexpected round of the nursing facility moratorium exceptions process, which are available on the MDH web site. Care centers interested in applying will need to complete all of the required application materials and return them to MDH by June 25. Following a presentation to a review committee later this year, MDH will have a list of approved projects by Sept. 3, 2021.
Resilience Tip: Getting Past A COVID-19 Wall
On January 27, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
COVID-19 has been making our work and personal lives more difficult for close to a year now. During that time, you’ve probably hit a few walls of exhaustion. You might not be sure how you’ll keep going. And you’ve maybe hit this kind of wall more than once throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Communicative Technology Grant Opportunity
On January 27, 2021 by Lori Meyer
The deadline is fast approaching for nursing facilities that have not already applied for the COVID-19 Communicative Technology Grants available through the Minnesota Department of Human Services utilizing Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) funding. Facilities have until March 1, 2021 to submit an application.
COVID-19 In-Person Visitation Aid Grant Opportunity
On January 27, 2021 by Lori Meyer
Nursing facilities are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) funds to purchase equipment that facilitates in-person visitation during the COVID-19 emergency. Facilities that have not already applied have until June 1, 2021 to submit an application.
MDH Launches Portal to Connect 1A Tier 3 Health Care Workers with Available Vaccines
On January 27, 2021 by Kari Everson
The Minnesota Department of Health has launched a web portal to help identify health care workers in 1A Tier 3 who have not been able to receive the vaccine from their employers in an effort to connect them with vaccines that may become available.
At the Capitol: No Cuts for Senior Services in Walz Budget
On January 27, 2021 by Matt Steele
As the legislature enters the last week of January, the pace of the legislative session has picked up and Governor Walz has released his proposed 2022-2023 budget, which holds senior services harmless. Here’s what you need to know about what’s happening at the Capitol:
COVID-19 Guidance: Non-Medically Necessary Outings
On January 27, 2021 by Kari Everson
Long-term care organizations work tirelessly to keep residents and staff as safe as possible during the pandemic. We know congregate living settings can have significant outbreaks when COVID-19 is brought into the building. These outbreaks impact the health and lives of our residents and staff. The CDC has long-reported small family gatherings increase the number of outbreaks in long-term care settings.
January Virtual District Meetings Begin This Week
On January 20, 2021 by Luke Jenkins
District Meetings start this week with a program that includes an update on COVID-19 vaccinations, a preview of the 2021 Legislative Session and results of a new Public Opinion Poll about older adult services.
LeadingAge Launches DEI Survey
On January 20, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Susan Hildebrandt, VP of Workforce Initiatives at LeadingAge
We need your help! In 2021, LeadingAge National is helping provider members focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a key component of its recently adopted strategic plan. Over the next 3 years, LeadingAge aims to offer all member organizations the tools and resources they need to develop a more diverse and inclusive workforce, and this effort begins with you.
Welcome Matt Steele to the LeadingAge Minnesota Advocacy Team
On January 20, 2021 by Libbie Chapuran
We are happy to announce that Matt Steele has joined LeadingAge Minnesota as the Director of Government Affairs. Matt joins the advocacy team, focusing his work on legislative policy solutions.
CMS Quality Measures and MDS Web-Based Trainings Available
On January 20, 2021 by Julie Apold
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the following new quality and Minimum Data Set (MDS) web-based training content for skilled nursing facilities and Medicare home health providers:
HUD Announces Competition for $150M New Section 202 Funds
On January 20, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
On January 11, HUD announced its competition for $150 million in new Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly funds. The application deadline for these funds is May 26, 2021.
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is similar in many ways to the last HUD Section 202 NOFO issued in April 2019. That NOFO was for $51 million and ultimately provided Section 202 Capital Advance and Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) funding for 575 units via 18 nonprofit-controlled communities when the awards were announced in February 2020.
OSHA Posting Period Begins February 1
On January 20, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
This is a reminder that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers subject to its recordkeeping requirements to post OSHA Form 300A between February 1 and April 30 of each year.
Nursing Facility Pre-Admission Screening Level II Timing Requirement Waived
On January 20, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) recently announced that they have temporarily waived the requirement for OBRA Level II evaluations to be completed before a person’s nursing facility (NF) admission. This change helps people discharge from hospitals to nursing facilities more quickly, which opens up hospital beds and staffing to meet the increasing demand caused by COVID-19.
Contact Information Needed for DHS Labor Market Survey
On January 20, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Under a new requirement that the Legislature created in Minnesota Statutes Section 256B.4912, subdivision 1a, home and community based services providers, including all Elderly Waiver and Disability Waiver providers, to participate in a labor market survey that will be conducted later this year.
Social Isolation Grant Funding Opportunity Available for Home Care and Assisted Living
On January 20, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The application is now available to apply for grants made available through the Home Care Provider Advisory Council. The Council has been given approval by the Commissioner of Health to provide funding to home care providers and other entities to mitigate social isolation of vulnerable adults residing in home care provider settings including assisted living settings.
Resilience Tip: Building Resilience with Meditation Moments
On January 20, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
Short meditations on kindness provide a way to instill self- and other-focused compassion in order to combat our harsh and often hostile environments at home and as a larger community.
Business Covid-19 Relief Payments Going to Some Members
On January 20, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
In a December special session, the Minnesota Legislature approved relief payments for certain hospitality businesses that have been closed due to one of the governor’s emergency orders. The list of businesses eligible for grants include fitness centers and restaurants, and some members who provide those services to the public may be eligible for grants. Last week, the Minnesota Department of Revenue sent checks to businesses they determined to be eligible, and one of the limiting factors that will impact some of our members even if they do offer these services to the public is that a recipient must have had $10,000 in sales in 2019.
Minnesota Announces Vaccine Distribution Pilot Program
On January 20, 2021 by Kari Everson
Minnesota is launching a COVID-19 vaccine pilot program, partnering with local public health and school districts, Governor Tim Walz announced on Monday. These sites will initially serve adults 65 years of age or older, as well as prekindergarten through grade 12 educators, school staff, and child care workers. The community vaccination pilot program will be the foundation for mass vaccination clinics in Minnesota communities once the federal government increases vaccine supply. The nine pilot sites will launch this week with a small number of doses for eligible Minnesotans.
Members Encouraged to Submit MDH Vaccine Survey Weekly
On January 20, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Starting last week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is conducting a weekly survey on vaccination in long-term care settings. The survey allows MDH and the provider associations to track the progress of vaccination of residents and staff in sites across the state. Providers are asked to visit the vaccine REDcap survey link each Wednesday to updated their information.
Office of Administrative Hearings Holds Hearings on Proposed Assisted Living Licensure Laws
On January 20, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) conducted a remote-access public hearing on the proposed assisted living licensure rules on Jan. 19th and 20th. This is a critical step in finalizing the rules that will govern assisted living providers under the assisted living licensure law that takes effect later this year.
Update on Reporting Point of Care Antigen Test Results
On January 13, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has granted certified nursing facilities more flexibility in terms of where facilities submit the results of point-of-care antigen tests. We expect the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to update its “Reporting Results of COVID-19 Tests” guidance today, to reflect this change.
It’s not too late: Register for January Virtual District Meetings
On January 13, 2021 by Luke Jenkins
It’s not too late to register for this month’s virtual District Meetings. We invite you to join your peers for your District Meeting, which will be held between Jan. 21 and 28 from 1 – 3 p.m. via Zoom.
The meetings include discussions on several big changes for our field as we look ahead to 2021. Together we will cover:
- The results of a new Public Opinion Poll commissioned by LeadingAge Minnesota and what this means for reputation management for the older adult services field.
- An overview of the 2021 Legislative Session and the key budget and policy issues we will be fighting for.
- COVID-19 and how the vaccination process is unfolding in your region.
Two breakout sessions will focus on:
- Assisted Living Licensure and what providers should be doing now to prepare; and
- Financial futures for care centers.
District meeting dates are:
- District C: Thursday, January 21 - Register here
- Combined A & B: Friday, January 22 - Register here
- District G: Tuesday, January 26 - Register here
- Combined D & E: Wednesday, January 27 - Register here
- District F: Thursday, January 28 - Register here
All January District Meetings will occur via Zoom and will be held from 1 - 3 p.m.
Members may attend any meeting that works best for them. There is no fee to attend, but registration is requested. For additional information about January District Meetings, please contact Alecia Crumpler.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Details Released
On January 13, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
A key part of the December 2020 COVID-19 relief bill is a renewal of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including availability of second draw loans for some organizations that got a PPP loan earlier this year. In January 2021, the Small Business Administration and the Department of Treasury issued rulemaking to implement the second draw loan program. Organizations that received a PPP loan earlier this year are eligible to receive a second forgivable loan of up to $2 million if they meet eligibility criteria. The loan application portal is expected to open this week. As with the first round, eligible organizations can apply through most local or national banks.
CMS Approves Waiver Reimagine Amendments for All Disability Waivers
On January 13, 2021 by Roni Falck
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved DHS’ CADI Waiver amendment package, which includes Waiver Reimagine streamlined service changes, effective Jan. 11, 2021. CMS has now approved waiver amendment packages that include Waiver Reimagine streamlined service changes for the following waivers:
LeadingAge Minnesota to Offer Assisted Living Director Licensing Course
On January 13, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
LeadingAge Minnesota is in the process of applying to be an approved provider of the training that will be required for an individual seeking an assisted living director licensure in Minnesota. This training will be required of anyone who does not meet the requirements to apply for licensure as a legacy director.
Applications for Licensing of Assisted Living Directors Available Soon
On January 13, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
As a result of the 2019 assisted living licensure law effective Aug. 1, 2021, every licensed assisted living setting in Minnesota will require a Licensed Assisted Living Director (LALD). The Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) will open their online application system in waves based on current qualifications, beginning with those who can qualify for legacy licensure. Legacy licensure, up to this point, has been referred to as “grandfathering” or “grandparenting.”