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Required Participation in the DHS Labor Market Survey
On November 4, 2020 by Jenna Kellerman
Beginning in early 2021, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is gathering data about direct care workers in Home and Community Based Services organizations. Organizations are asked to identify a contact person to complete this survey and can submit their contact information here.
Assisted Living Director Rules to be Posted for Public Comment December 1
On November 4, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
On October 25th, staff of the Board of Executives of Long-Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) submitted the draft Licensed Assisted Living Director rules to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The rules will be posted for a 30-day public comment period to begin December 1, 2020 (LeadingAge Minnesota will provide a link as soon as it is available). A Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) has also been prepared and can be viewed on the BELTSS website along with the updated rule draft.
Legacy Assisted Living Providers in Limbo
On November 4, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
Last week, MDH shared a discussion document with LeadingAge MN staff outlining key questions regarding the application of physical plant and design requirements under the assisted living licensure law to existing settings and those settings under development. At the time 144G passed the Legislature, there was a common understanding among stakeholders that existing providers would be grandfathered under current building codes and new physical plant requirements would not apply. We further understood that these “legacy providers” would include those settings currently under development, so long as they had applied for building permits on or before July 31, 2021.
MDH to Convene Assisted Living Licensure Rules Advisory Committee to Consider Proposed Rules
On November 4, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
MDH has released Proposed Rules for Assisted Living Licensure. It is important to note that these rules are not yet final, and changes may be made through the rulemaking process.
COVID-19 Resource Round-Up: Planning for Winter Holidays
On November 4, 2020 by Terri Foley
As staff, residents, and families plan for the Thanksgiving holiday, the CDC has published winter holiday guidance and recommendations for COVID-19 safe practices. Members may want to link to this page on your organization’s website and post it in your employee publications in the coming weeks. This guidance includes tips for hosting gatherings, attending events, and traveling safely if necessary.
Rising COVID-19 Cases Creates Huge Jump in “Red” Counties
On November 4, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
As community spread of COVID-19 continues at a rapid pace in Minnesota, it has consequences for care centers under the CMS staff testing mandate. The most recent CMS data, for the period from 10/15 through 10/28, has 29 counties with red status, due to a test positivity rate of over 10%. That’s up from 13 counties just a week before. Care centers who are using the CMS data to determine their testing practice and who are now in a red county will have to implement twice a week staff testing.
Reporting Antigen Test Results
On November 4, 2020 by Kari Everson
Antigen tests are a rapid test used to determine whether or not an individual has a current infection. Multiple antigen testing methods are available in long-term care settings including the BD Veritor antigen test machine, the Sophia Quidel antigen test machine, and the Abbot BinaxNOW card tests.
Election News: Balance of Power Likely to Remain the Same in MN Legislature
On November 4, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
As of the writing of this article, votes are still being counted in several close races in St. Cloud, Rochester, Austin and a few key suburbs, however, it is looking like there will not be a major shift in party control in the Minnesota Legislature. Minnesota entered the 2020 election with the only divided Legislature in the country. DFLers were seeking to gain control over the Minnesota Senate, allowing for single party control of the state Government, something that hasn’t happened since 2013. It needed only to knock off two Republican incumbents and hold its own seats to retake the Senate.
Clarification on Return to Work by Healthcare Personnel Exposed to COVID-19
On November 4, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
We received a question recently asking if a healthcare worker who experiences a high risk exposure to COVID-19, but who is asymptomatic and has not tested positive for the virus, may return to work prior to the end of his or her 14-day quarantine – if staffing needs are acute. The answer is yes, but only if certain conditions are met.
MDH Posts Additional Environmental Guidance on Indoor Visitation
On November 4, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
In new Guidance for Selecting In-building Visitation Area in Long-Term Facilities (11/04/20) released today, MDH provides more details about divider specifications in rooms or visitation areas, as well as specifics on room ventilation and airflow diagrams.
Education & Events Schedule
On October 28, 2020 by Heidi Simpson
Part 1 - Monday, November 2, 2020 - 2 - 3 p.m.
Part 2 - Monday, November 16, 2020 - Noon – 1 p.m.
Check Out These New Education Offerings
On October 28, 2020 by Heidi Simpson
Today’s Unemployment Claims: An Employer’s Guide
The arrival of the pandemic brought many changes to federal and state laws on unemployment compensation for workers in health care settings including changes to employees’ eligibility criteria and the effect of paid benefits on your unemployment costs.
LeadingAge National Virtual Annual Meeting Begins November 10
On October 28, 2020 by Heidi Simpson
This November, the LeadingAge Annual Meeting Virtual Experience will include keynote speakers Dr. Brené Brown, Vernā Myers and Scott Gottlieb addressing how to prepare for the future in the aging services field.
Share Your Amazing Stories! Stars Among Us Award Nominations are Open
On October 28, 2020 by Barbara Landeen
Throughout the months during the pandemic, we have heard some amazing stories about your staff team’s dedication and resilience. We’d love to shine the spotlight on these “COVID Silver Linings” through our annual Stars Among Us Awards.
Safe Practices for a Safe Visit: New Video Available
On October 28, 2020 by Julie Apold
Everyone is working hard to balance visitation and safety. LeadingAge Minnesota’s new 4-minute Safe Practices for Safe Visits video provides the 4 key safety rules
Living the Pledge Campaign Launches Next Week: Promote Safe Care During COVID
On October 28, 2020 by Julie Apold
November is Mask Month! Join your colleagues in creating safe mask wearing habits across our communities.
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Produces Video to Honor Veterans
On October 28, 2020 by LeadingAge
For the past 15 years, the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs has hosted a live Veterans Day event, typically held at the Veterans Memorial Community Center in Inver Grove Heights.
Affordable Housing Survey Reveals COVID-19 Cases, Isolation, & Financial Strain
On October 28, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
A national survey of senior housing providers by LeadingAge finds COVID-19 cases in a majority of communities, and that financial strain and resident social isolation are key concerns.
COVID-19 Resource Round-Up
On October 28, 2020 by Terri Foley
In LeadingAge Minnesota’s weekly Huddles and Clinical Coaching Rooms, we continue to get questions about the length of quarantine and when staff can be back at work.
LTC Imperative Completes Survey on Testing in Consultation with MDH
On October 28, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
The LTC Imperative recently wrapped up our most recent short survey, this one on testing practices using questions developed in consultation with MDH to give them a view into what is happening with testing in long-term care.
COVID-19 Crisis Staffing Checklist Available
On October 28, 2020 by Kari Everson
The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) may be able to assist your organization with emergency staffing needs related to COVID-19.
MDH Releases New Resources for LTC Providers for Testing & Reporting
On October 28, 2020 by Kari Everson
Today, the Minnesota Department of Health published two new resources to assist members with testing and reporting requirements.
Nursing Homes Invited to Join COVID-19 Project Echo Initiative
On October 28, 2020 by Kari Everson
Registration opened this week for nursing homes to join a 16-week online learning collaborative on COVID-19 care and prevention—led by Hennepin Healthcare Systems and the University of Minnesota
First Round of Infection Control Payments Headed to Nursing Homes Next Week
On October 28, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
Federal authorities announced today that they will be distributing about $333 million in first-round infection control performance payments to more than 10,000 care centers based on their results battling the spread of COVID-19.
Vaccine Update: Deadline Extended for COVID-19 Vaccine Partnership
On October 28, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
Senior living and other long-term care providers now have until Nov. 6 to sign up for the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program.
Education & Events Schedule
On October 21, 2020 by LeadingAge
2020 Sales & Marketing in Senior Housing Certificate Program
Oct. 20, 27; Nov. 10, 19; Dec. 1, 8 (six virtual half-days)
14th Annual Senior Housing Summit is October 29
On October 21, 2020 by Barbara Landeen
The Annual Minnesota Real Estate Journal Senior Housing Summit, presented by Ebenezer, will take place on October 29.
Educare Announces Culinary4U – A Fresh Solution to Culinary Services Training
On October 21, 2020 by LeadingAge
One of the most important elements of any senior living experience is dining. Prospective clients inquire about it. Current residents talk about it.
Save the Dates for These Upcoming Programs
On October 21, 2020 by Heidi Simpson
Webinar Series Announced for Adult Day Providers
Attention Adult Day Services providers: Three upcoming webinars are specifically designed for you to address some of 2020’s unique challenges.
CNA Staffing Summit Offers Honest Look at Long Term Care
On October 21, 2020 by Jenna Kellerman
The CNA Staffing Summit, hosted by The National Association of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA), offered an unfettered look at the career of nursing assistants and the state of our long term care work environments during the COVID-19 pandemic.