News related to "hcbs"
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2019 HCBS Funding Advances in Congress
On September 4, 2018 by Jodi Boyne
The U.S. Senate last week passed a combined spending bill that contains some good news in terms of Fiscal Year 2019 funding for home and community-based services.
DHS Conducting Two Provider Surveys as Part of HCBS Transportation Study
On August 7, 2018 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is contracting with Navigant Consulting for a review of the rates and availability of transportation services for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver clients. That study has two works groups advising DHS and Navigant, one looking at rates and one looking at access.
Aging Services Funding Moving in Congress
On July 31, 2018 by Jodi Boyne
To facilitate timely passage of 2019 spending bills and avoid a government shutdown when the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1, the U.S. House and Senate are combining multiple individual spending bills into larger legislative packages.
OAA Funding Advances in Congress
On July 17, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
Funding for essential programs that help people age in place were recently approved by the U.S. House and Senate Appropriations Committees.
DHS Conducting Survey of HCBS Transportation Provider Costs
On July 17, 2018 by Jeff Bostic
As we have covered previously, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is conducting numerous studies this summer that are related to reports it is required to submit to the 2019 Legislature. In addition to a study Elderly Waiver rates and of Adult Day Services, DHS is also reviewing rates and availability of transportation services for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver clients.
DHS Conducting HCBS Transportation Access Study
On June 19, 2018 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has contracted with Navigant Consulting, the company that is also conducting studies on Elderly Waiver rates and the role of Adult Day services, to conduct a study of transportation access for home and community-based service enrollees, including both the elderly and disabled populations.
DHS Updates and Extends Return to Community Initiative
On June 19, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has updated and extended the Return to Community initiative.
Rate Increases for Home Delivered Meals, EW/AC and CDCS Budget Cap Effective July 1
On June 5, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The 2017 Minnesota Legislature authorized a 2.61 percent rate increase for home delivered meals for the Alternative Care (AC), Elderly Waiver (EW), and Essential Community Supports (ECS) programs for services delivered on or after July 1, 2018.
Apply Now: Live Well at Home Grants
On May 16, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has published the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the next round of Live Well at Home Grants. These grants help communities meet the challenges of our fast-growing aging population and pressures on Minnesota's long-term care support system.
EMPOWER Care Act Would Extend Funding for Money Follows the Person
On March 13, 2018 by Jodi Boyne
A new bill in Congress, the EMPOWER Care Act, would extend funding for the Money Follows the Person demonstration project and help improve access to in-home services, adult day services and other services that help older adults remain independent in their communities.
HCBS: 2018 National Core Indicators Survey Begins
On January 23, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
Older adults and people with disabilities who receive home and community-based services, including adult day services, may be called and invited to participate in an in-person interview for the National Core Indicators – Aging & Disabilities initiative. The calls will begin this week and continue through May.