News related to "covid-19"
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Resource Round-Up: Whole House Testing Decision Guide
On July 8, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
As we continue to push for a clear, cogent testing strategy and reimbursement process from the State of Minnesota, we know you are faced with many decisions when it comes testing residents and staff. Our new COVID-19 “Whole House” Testing Decision Guide is a workflow process designed to help you consider what approach is best for your setting. It includes links to key resources to guide your decision and implement your plan. Resources include:
Action Alert: Affordable Housing Provisions Must Be Included in Next COVID-19 Relief Package
On July 8, 2020 by Libbie Chapuran
The $1.2 billion in financial support provided by the Emergency Housing Assistance for Older Adults Act (S. 4177, H.R. 6873) must be included in Congress’ next COVID-19 relief package. Ask your members of Congress to help the more than 700,000 older adults in HUD-assisted housing. S. 4177 and H.R. 6873 would provide key relief for affordable senior housing communities navigating the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, including:
MDH Advances Work on Reopening Recommendations
On July 8, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) continues to work on recommendations for nursing homes and housing with services/assisted living settings to modify general visitation, but there still is not a firm timeline for release of those recommendations.
Focused Infection Control Surveys Offer Learnings for Nursing Homes
On June 24, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
Earlier this month the Minnesota Department of Health shared with LeadingAge Minnesota the results from Focused Infection Control surveys of Minnesota nursing homes during April and May. As we reported earlier, 120 facilities were cited for deficient practice(s), all of those at F880 and with only 4 being cited at scope and severity level G or above.
Take Action: #Act4OlderAdults Because COVID is Not Over
On June 23, 2020 by Libbie Chapuran
COVID-19 is not over. The lives of seniors in our settings are at risk. Our healthcare workers are risking their lives without appropriate PPE, testing and funding. Watch this powerful message from our partners at LeadingAge. Then ask the Minnesotans who represent us in Washington for crucial resources and immediate relief to help fight COVID. Here are two thing you can do now:
1st Special Session of 2020 Ends Without Much Progress
On June 23, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
The Minnesota Legislature’s first 2020 special session adjourned sine die in the early morning of June 20, just one week after Governor Walz called lawmakers back to St. Paul. Lawmakers failed to reach agreement on any of the major issues – including police reform, bonding, and distribution of CARES Act funds for COVID-19.
Legislature is Back in Special Session
On June 17, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
For the ninth time in 10 years, there is a legislative special session. It began on June 12 and we do not yet know the length of this special session nor is there any agreement on what issues will be resolved during it. Where do our key issues stand in terms of special session priorities?
Round-Up: National Healthcare Safety Network Reporting
On June 17, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
As we enter the fifth week of nursing homes reporting to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), we thought it would be worthwhile to highlight some of the information we’ve shared with members through our daily updates over the past couple of weeks.
Assisting with Difficult Conversations
On June 16, 2020 by Terri Foley
Families and older adults may be confronting end-of-life questions that they have not prepared for before the COVID-19 pandemic. Advance Care Planning and POLST (Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment) are commonly talked about in our field, yet people may still be surprised when the situation arises when they may need to be used to make decisions. Or, the COVID-19 pandemic may be the trigger for them to complete the documents.
LeadingAge Continues Federal Advocacy on PPE
On June 16, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
Six weeks after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that it would coordinate a shipment of personal protective equipment (PPE), totaling a 14-day supply, to Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing homes across the United States, significant numbers of facilities across the country still have not received a shipment. Some that have received supplies have found them to be low quality, even expired in some cases, or delivered in quantities smaller than expected.
Federal and State Emergency Response Funding Still Available
On June 16, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
The COVID-19 emergency has had significant negative financial impacts on many providers, including loss of revenue as well as higher costs associated with responding to actual and potential outbreaks of the virus. Fortunately, the state and federal governments have both responded with large programs of aid to providers, including the most recent development at the federal level - the Medicaid provider distribution from the CARES Act provider relief fund.
COVID-19 Resource Round-Up: Transparency Builds and Cooperation
On June 10, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
If we know one thing to be true during this global pandemic, the media and public will continue to focus on the number of positive COVID-19 cases and deaths related to the virus in long-term care settings. The best way to counter inaccurate media stories and public perception is with consistent transparency of your COVID-19 responsem, including the number of people who have been afflicted by the virus or died from it in your setting.
New Basic Care Aide Registration Website
On June 10, 2020 by Jenna Kellerman
LeadingAge National is hosting the Basic Care Aide through its Learning. All non-EduCare users should have new students login through this portal beginning June 15. EduCare users should continue to access the training through their own EduCare library.
Medicaid Providers: Apply for Provider Relief Funds, Application Portal Opens Today
On June 10, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it will distribute funds to Medicaid providers who do not participate in Medicare, including Assisted Living and Adult Day, through the Provider Relief Fund through a time-limited application process vs. automatic payment. The application portal opens June 10 (today). Here’s what we know so far:
Nursing Home Survey Results: What You Need to Know and Do
On June 10, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is spotlighting COVID-19 survey results on the Nursing Home Compare home page. The results of surveys conducted since March 4 (complaints and infection control focused surveys) will be listed and available for the public to download, including a spreadsheet summarizing the findings from each inspection.
CMS to Increase Survey & Enforcement Activity Related to Infection Control
On June 3, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced this week (QSO-20-31-All) that it will expand survey activity and increase enforcement remedies relating to nursing home infection control requirements, effective immediately. Several story lines arise from this memo.
Salon and Outdoor Visit Update
On June 2, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
The pressure is building for nursing homes and assisted living to be able to provide salon services in thier settings and host outdoor visits with residents and families.
Provider Relief Funds: Submit Info Today (June 3)
On June 2, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
If you want to be considered for future Provider Relief Fund payments from HHS you need to register and submit information by the end of today (June 3).
CMS Offers Weekly COVID-19 Learning Opportunities
On May 26, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hosts several recurring stakeholder engagement sessions to share information related to COVID-19. These sessions are open to members of the healthcare community and are intended to provide updates, share best practices among peers, and offer attendees an opportunity to ask questions of CMS and other subject matter experts. Here are call details for opportunities this week:
Update: OSHA Issued New Interim Enforcement Response Plan and Guidance for COVID-19
On May 26, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) recently issued an updated interim enforcement response plan for dealing with workplace investigations during COVID-19. In addition, OSHA released revised enforcement guidance for recording cases of COVID-19. These two requirements went into effect on May 26 and replace the previous interim enforcement response plan and recordkeeping guidance, respectively, on that date. Finally, OSHA also released an alert on COVID-19 Guidance for Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Workers.