News related to "covid-19"
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CDC Updates Guidance on Well-Fitting Masks In Q&A Document
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Everson
On February 10th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a MMWR article discussing well-fitting masks. The study shows the better a mask fits around the user’s face, the better the protection against contracting COVID-19. Methods to increase mask fitting include a mask fitter, tucking and looping a surgical or procedural mask, or wearing a cloth mask over the surgical or procedure mask.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Long-Term Care Nearing Completion
On March 3, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
In the most recent update from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), based on data through last Wednesday, clear progress on completing vaccination clinics has been made. At that point, 43% of care centers had completed their third vaccination clinics, and 56% of assisted livings had conducted a second clinic. Both numbers rose dramatically in just the last week, keeping the program on track to complete all clinics in a few weeks.
Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Clinic Slated for the Weekend in Eagan
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Everson
MDH was able to order a large number of doses of the newly authorized Johnson & Johnson Janssen Ad-Vac (J&J), which utilizes 1 dose to vaccinate against COVID-19. The doses will be delivered to the state mid-week.
Hot Topic: Health Care Workers Travel & Quarantine
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Everson
Heath care workers (HCW) and travel is a topic that continues to elicit questions because of the complexity and multivariate nature of the guidance. Current guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health recommends abstaining from travel due to the pandemic. If HCWs decide to travel, you should consider the following information as you create organizational protocols that best address your expectations regarding travel to keep staff and residents safe.
LeadingAge Obtains CMS Clarification on Emergency Preparedness Exercises
On February 24, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
Under CMS emergency preparedness regulations, nursing facilities are required to conduct two emergency preparedness testing exercises annually – with exercises alternating between full-scale functional exercises and exercises of choice (mock drill, table-top exercise, workshop).
Resilience Tip: Embracing “Good Enough”
On February 24, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
Today we’re focused on the drive to be perfect (or darn close). It’s not inherently bad; in fact, it has propelled many of us to get to our current status in personal and professional arenas. It can, however, take its toll on our well-being to be in pursuit of perfection versus accepting of “good enough.”
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Progressing
On February 24, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to a Minnesota Department of Health survey reflecting data through last Wednesday, 98% of care centers have completed two vaccination clinics, and almost all assisted living settings had completed a first clinic. Additionally, 12% of assisted living had conducted a second clinic, a number which will rise rapidly in the next couple of weeks.
Rural COVID-19 grants Available through LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation
On February 24, 2021 by Terri Foley
LeadingAge Minnesota members operating in rural Minnesota can now access a second round of COVID-19 related grants through LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation (LAMF).
DHS Amends Temporary Modifications for Adult Day Services
On February 24, 2021 by Roni Falck
The Department of Human Services is further amending temporary modifications to certain licensing requirements for Adult Day Services to allow more people to receive services and to allow license holders to increase daily shift hours.
Effective Feb. 17, the following licensing requirements are modified for adult day centers:
LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Receives $475,000 COVID Grant
On February 17, 2021 by Lori Meyer
The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation (LAMF) has just been awarded $475,000 in funding to provide COVID grants to rural LeadingAge Minnesota members.
Congress Continues Discussions on COVID-19 Relief
On February 17, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
Congress is now in the process of considering the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package proposed by President Biden. This legislation, being considered through a budget-reconciliation vehicle that only needs simple majorities in both the House and the Senate and may be passed exclusively with Democratic-votes.
Resilience Tip: Grief & Resilience
On February 17, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
Grief and resilience: you can have both!
You probably understood that going to work in a senior care facility meant you would experience death more often than people working in other environments. However, expecting this and going through it are quite different things – especially when death rates are (sometimes significantly) higher than usual as we’ve seen during the COVID pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Progressing and Staff Vaccination Rates Improving
On February 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to data collected by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), resident vaccination rates remain high and staff vaccination rates are improving.
State Support Still Available for PPE, Testing, Staffing
On February 17, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
While COVID-19 cases in aging services settings have fallen sharply in recent months, we know the virus is still having a serious impact on many providers.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) wishes to remind providers that it continues to have resources available for nursing homes and assisted living providers that need support:
MDH Updates Quarantine Recommendations for Health Care Workers
On February 17, 2021 by Kari Everson
On Feb. 16, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) released a new document COVID-19 Recommendations for Health Care Workers that reviews diagnostic testing of health care workers (HCW), management of HCW exposure to COVID-19, HCW return to work, guidance for ill HCW and travel recommendations for our staff. Additionally, within the guidance document, MDH cites several already existing documents that informed the creation of this resource.
Free Webinar! Optimizing Therapy Services Considering COVID Challenges
On February 10, 2021 by Heidi Simpson
Respiratory disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability. During COVID-19, respiratory therapists are treating even greater numbers of clients with compromised lung function. Two complimentary webinars hosted by Select Rehabilitation provide strategies for treatment interventions and in-room therapy.
Governor Walz visits Jones-Harrison to Highlight Vaccine Successes
On February 10, 2021 by Libbie Chapuran
Gov. Tim Walz and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Commissioner Jan Malcolm visited Jones-Harrison to highlight Minnesota’s successful vaccination effort in long-term care settings on the afternoon of Tuesday, Feb. 9.
Resilience Tip: Sleep & Resilience
On February 10, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
You are in good company if you have noticed changes in your sleeping patterns during COVID-19. Because of factors like extra screen time, change in routines and increase in stress, we are prone to poor sleep at this time. Sleep is important not only for our well-being and stability of mood, but it is also linked to immune system function.
CMS Director Joins LeadingAge Call to Answer Questions about Visitation Guidance Changes
On February 10, 2021 by Libbie Chapuran
Evan Shulman, Director of the Division of Nursing Homes, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, will answer questions about how CMS is approaching any changes in visitation guidance on Thursday, February 11 at 2:30 on the Coronavirus Update Call hosted by LeadingAge, the national partner of LeadingAge Minnesota.
MAGIC Launches Resource to Address Vaccine Hesitancy
On February 10, 2021 by Libbie Chapuran
This week, the Minnesota Association for Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians (MAGIC) launched a new video resource to help providers address vaccine hesitancy in long-term care settings.