Category: Federal News
Welcome to the Federal News category. These news items pertain to aging services national policies and programs.
DOL Issues Interim Final Rule Dramatically Increasing the Prevailing Wage
On October 14, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
Last week, the Department of Labor (DOL) published an interim final rule that changes how prevailing wages are calculated, which has an immediate impact on foreign workers in the H1B, H1B1, and E-3 programs.
New Requirement to Submit Documentation to QIOs Electronically
On October 7, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
Effective October 1 of this year, a new federal rule requires the submission of all documentation to Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) through an electronic submission method.
CMS Memo Addresses Emergency Preparedness Exercises
On October 7, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
Under CMS emergency preparedness regulations, nursing facilities are required to conduct two emergency preparedness testing exercises annually.
New SNF Medicare Rates Take Effect on Thursday
On September 30, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
Based on the annual SNF Payment Rule which CMS released earlier this summer, new SNF Medicare rates for the second year of the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) take effect on October 1.
HUD Permits Alternatives to Resident Meetings for RAD
On September 23, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
In a Notice issued Friday, HUD permits alternatives to group resident meetings required for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). For PHAs or owners undergoing a RAD conversion
National Adult Day Services Week
On September 16, 2020 by Roni Falck
National Adult Day Services Week will take place September 20-26 and is an opportunity to recognize this important service that supports both participants and their family caregivers.
SNF Quality Reporting Program Public Reporting Strategy
On September 9, 2020 by Julie Apold
CMS recently published a COVID-19 Public Reporting Tip Sheet detailing the SNF QRP public reporting strategy developed by CMS to account for quality data submissions
New: Nursing Home Infection Control Survey Tool and Checklist
On September 9, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
As we shared in last week’s newsletter, CMS has changed the COVID-19 Focused Survey for Nursing Homes tool to include the new testing requirements
Monthly LeadingAge HUD Regional Call this Thursday
On August 19, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
Please join us for the next monthly HUD Member Regional Conference Call, scheduled for August 20 from 12-1 p.m. CST.
Tell Congress to Finish the Job
On August 19, 2020 by Libbie Chapuran
Join providers across the Nation to call on Congress to provide immediate relief to aging services providers.
We are severely disappointed that Congress did not reach an agreement on the next COVID-19 relief package.
HUD to Join Aug. 17 LeadingAge Call with Updated NSPIRE Inspection Standards
On August 12, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
On August 3, HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) released a fully updated set of NSPIRE Inspection Standards for the physical inspection demonstration program.
HUD Updates Multifamily Q&A
On August 5, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) updated its Q&A for Multifamily Housing programs. The July 31 Q&A document relays HUD’s guidance on operational and procedural questions related to the safe administration of HUD-assisted programs during COVID-19. In the Q&A, HUD provides clarity on mask requirements for residents, testing requirements for residents, and management and occupancy reviews. Included in the updates:
CMS Extends Deadline for Use of Renewed ABN for Medicare Part B Services
On August 5, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
As we previously reported, the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) Form CMS-R-131 and instructions have been approved for renewal.
SNF Quality Reporting Program Temporary Exceptions Have Expired
On August 5, 2020 by Julie Apold
A reminder that the temporary reporting relief outlined in the March 27 CMS memo for the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program (SNF QRP) and SNF Value-Based Purchasing (SNF VBP) program has expired as of June 30, 2020.
CMS to Outline SNF Prospective Payment Rule on Thursday Open Door Forum
On August 5, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will share information on fiscal year 2021 skilled nursing facility payment policies during a Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long Term Care Open Door Forum this Thursday, Aug. 6 at 1 p.m. The full agenda will include:
HUD Answers Questions on COVID-19 Supplemental Payment Funds
On July 28, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
Application forms for the COVID-19 Supplemental Payment funds are due to HUD by Aug. 5.
Potential Funds Available for Private Pay Assisted Living
On July 28, 2020 by Jeff Bostic
Relief funds for private-pay assisted living providers are under consideration by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
New U.S. Senate Bill Includes Liability Protections
On July 28, 2020 by Kari Thurlow
A Republican proposal introduced in the U.S. Senate this week, the HEALS Act (Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools Act) includes measures that address liability protections.
HUD Announces Service Coordinator CARES Act Allocation
On July 15, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) released a memo last week outlining plans to allocate the $10 million in Service Coordinator funding approved by the CARES Act at the end of March. The funds will support approximately 1,600 properties with grant-funded Service Coordinator programs. The agency said they plan to issue guidance for budget-funded Service Coordination and other COVID-related expenses soon.
LeadingAge Regional HUD Monthly Calls Start July 16
On July 15, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
A monthly call is now available for HUD provider members to join others in our region for news and discussion. Minnesota joins with LeadingAge Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana for these meetings which are scheduled for the third Thursday of each month at noon.