News related to "scholarships"
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Scholarships Available Through LeadingAge MN Foundation: Deadline June 7
On May 12, 2021 by Lori Meyer
Workforce challenges have become even more acute in the wake of COVID-19. One way to retain the caregivers and staff you have is to help them achieve their higher education goals and advance their careers within the aging services field where they are so needed. To that end, the LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation is offering educational scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of our member organizations for 2021.
LeadingAge MN Foundation Scholarships Available
On April 7, 2021 by Lori Meyer
Investing in the professional development of the aging services workforce is more important now than it has ever been. The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation is excited to offer educational scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of our member organizations for 2021.
LALD Training Covered by HCBS Scholarship
On March 24, 2021 by Jenna Kellerman
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Office of Rural Health and Primary Care has confirmed that the Licensed Assisted Living Director (LALD) training program is eligible for funding through the Home and Community Based Scholarship Grant Program. Apply today!
The application deadline has been extended to April 6 at 11:59 p.m. Find the HCBS Scholarship Program details, application, and forms on the MDH website. Grants will run for 24 months, starting on July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023.
It’s Not Too Late! Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program Accepting Applications
On December 23, 2020 by Jenna Kellerman
The Minnesota Health Care Loan Forgiveness program cycle is now open and accepting applications through January 15, 2021. The Loan Forgiveness program is available for various health care professionals serving in high-need areas including nurses in long term care.
Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program Accepting Applications
On December 16, 2020 by Jenna Kellerman
The Minnesota Health Care Loan Forgiveness program cycle is now open and accepting applications through Jan. 15, 2021. The Loan Forgiveness program is available for various health care professio
Scholarships Available Through LeadingAge MN Foundation
On April 14, 2020 by Lori Meyer
Investing in the professional development of the aging services workforce is more important now than it has ever been. The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation is offering over $30,000 in scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of our member organizations for 2020.
Foundation Golf Tournament Raises More Than $60,000
On August 6, 2019 by Jenny Prosser
With workforce pressures reaching unprecedented levels, the 2019 LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Golf Fundraiser helped raise funds for our next round of caregiver scholarships. The golf event was held on July 30 at Prestwick Golf Club in Woodbury. View foursome photos sponsored by CBS Construction Services.
Student Scholarship Applications to LeadingAge National Conference Due Aug. 14
On July 24, 2019 by Adam Suomala
For the third year, our partners at LeadingAge National have arranged a powerful three days of programming specific for student leaders Oct. 27–30 in San Diego at their Annual Meeting, as well as scholarships to help defray expenses. This program is targeting students enrolled full-time in undergraduate or graduate programs at accredited colleges or universities (ages 18 and up), with a goal to expose and connect students to opportunities in the field of aging services.
Attract Students with Scholarship Opportunities
On February 26, 2019 by Jenna Kellerman
Do you know about all of the scholarship programs available in Minnesota? Do job applicants know about these opportunities when you are recruiting new staff?
Now Available: LeadingAge MN Foundation Scholarships
On February 19, 2019 by Lori Meyer
The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation is excited to offer more than $33,000 in educational scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of LeadingAge Minnesota member organizations for 2019.
HCBS Scholarship for 2019 Now Open
On September 4, 2018 by Jenna Kellerman
The Minnesota Department of Health is soliciting grant proposals from providers of adult day care, home care, and housing with services to provide educational scholarships for their employees. Applications are due by Friday, Oct. 19.
Fore! Deadline to Register for Foundation Golf Tournament is July 16
On July 11, 2018 by Jenny Prosser
This year’s LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Golf Tournament on Aug. 8 is nearly sold out! Don’t delay. Register today for a day of golf on the championship-style Keller Golf Course, networking and – most importantly – raising money to fund essential caregiver scholarships!
Tee Up for Scholarships: Register for Foundation Golf Fundraiser
On June 26, 2018 by Jenny Prosser
The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Golf Fundraiser is Wednesday, Aug. 8 at Keller Golf Course in Maplewood. You won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to golf, network and raise money for one of our most meaningful initiatives – the statewide caregiver scholarship program.
Ready to Hit the Links? Foundation Golf Tournament is Aug. 8
On May 15, 2018 by Jenny Prosser
The sixth annual LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Golf Tournament takes place on Aug. 8 at Keller Golf Course in Maplewood. A sell-out is expected, so don’t delay. Register Today!
2 Ways to Apply for LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Scholarships
On April 4, 2018 by Lori Meyer
The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation Scholarship Program has more than $32,000 in scholarship funds to help eligible caregivers and other employees of LeadingAge Minnesota member organizations achieve their goals of higher education.
Scholarships Available Now Through LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation
On February 14, 2018 by Lori Meyer
Investing in the professional development of the aging services workforce is one of the signature areas of focus for the LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation. The Foundation is excited to offer more than $32,000 in educational scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of LeadingAge Minnesota member organizations for 2018.