News related to "hud"
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Free HUD 202 Webinar: RAD for PRAC - What 202 Owners Need to Know
On October 1, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
Need an overview of the new RAD for PRAC authority and what it means for the preservation of 202/PRAC communities? Participate in free, members-only webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 3 p.m.
U.S. House Passes 2020 HUD Appropriations Bill
On July 10, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
The U.S. House approved a bill that increases overall HUD funding by 7%, rejecting the White House’s request to cut thr HUD budget by 18% for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. For HUD’s Section 202 Housing for the Elderly account, the bill increases funding by almost 19% compared to fiscal year 2019.
HUD UPDATE: REAC Physical Inspection, NSPIRE, Carbon Monoxide Detectors and More
On June 18, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
LeadingAge has provided an overview of recent developments in Housing & Urban Development policies that affect providers of affordable housing. This update features the latest news on the voluntary NSPIRE initiative, HUD instructions on enforcement actions if a property refuses to be inspected, instructions to inspectors to collect information only on carbon monoxide detectors, 14-day scheduling of inspections, and the four reasons HUD Multifamily field offices can delay inspections.
Proposed HUD Rule on Mixed Status Families Could Force Older Adults Out of Affordable Housing
On May 22, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
More than 4,300 older adults who had found solace and affordability in their HUD-assisted homes will now wonder about the stability of their housing as the result of a new proposed rule that would end the practice of having “mixed status” families in federally assisted housing.
HUD REAC Call-In: Proposed Changes: National Physical Inspection Process
On May 8, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department is proposing changes to the national physical inspection process. Because HUD’s in-person listening sessions on this topic filled so quickly, D. J. Lavoy, Director of the Office of the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC), has agreed to provide a special opportunity for LeadingAge members.
Short-Term Measure Ends Partial Government Shutdown; Concerns Remain
On January 29, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
An agreement was reached last week to end the partial federal government shutdown and reopen affected agencies, including the U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department, for three weeks.
Important HUD News: Social Security Announces 2.8% Benefit Increase for 2019
On December 18, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
A 2.8 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) approved in October will begin with benefits payable to more than 62 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2019.
HUD Releases Housing Trust Fund Commitment, Expenditure Guidance
On October 16, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued guidance for Housing Trust Fund (HTF) grantees and the first report on the status of initial trust fund commitments in 2016.
Service Coordinator Resource Guide and Online Learning Tool Now Available
On August 14, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) has released three new Service Coordination resources and tools:
Get Up to Speed on HUD Rent Proposals in 7 Minutes
On July 10, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
A new, seven-minute QuickCast from LeadingAge is a fast way for members to get up to speed on HUD and Congressional proposals to change how rents of HUD-assisted residents, including older adult residents, would be calculated.
Similarities, Differences in House and Senate HUD Funding Bills
On June 26, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. House and Senate Appropriations bills have many similarities, but also some differences, as it relates to housing assistance for older adults with low incomes.
New Construction and Home Modification Funding in Senate Bill
On June 12, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved $44.5 billion for HUD in fiscal year 2019, including $678 million for the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly account and $11.7 billion for Project-Based Rental Assistance that provides the operating subsidy for approximately two-thirds of Section 202 homes.
House HUD Funding Bill Covers Renewals, Not New Construction
On May 22, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
Affordable housing programs received a bit of good news last week when the U.S. House Appropriations Committee provided $941 million more for the U.S. House & Urban Development Department (HUD) in fiscal year 2019 (FY19) than last fiscal year.
HUD Proposal Would Increase Residents’ Rents
On May 9, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) is circulating a proposal to change how residents’ rents are calculated in all HUD-assisted housing programs.
Key Updates on Affordable Housing Funding
On April 25, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
In a call with LeadingAge last week, we received key updates on affordable housing funding from their advocacy on Capitol Hill:
President Trump Proposed Budget Includes Deep Cuts to HUD
On February 14, 2018 by Bobbie Guidry
The initial budget request released by President Donald Trump this week includes deep cuts to affordable housing programs. The budget proposal cuts funding to the U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department by 18 percent, which would: