Category: Featured News
Welcome to the Featured News category. The following news items include major developments in the aging services world, as well as important notifications and timely reminders.
Breaking: Biden Administration Announces Sweeping EO to Support Care Workers
On April 18, 2023 by LeadingAge
The Biden Administration outlined several new plans ostensibly targeted at supporting care workers and family caregivers. Continuing a framework set out early in the Biden campaign, the strategy targets caregivers and workers in childcare, aging services, and services for people with disabilities.
Waiver and Medical Assistance Financial Eligibility Renewals at the End of PHE Continuous Coverage Period
On April 13, 2023 by Bobbie Guidry
On April 7, the Minnesota Department of Human Services released Bulletin #23-21-08: DHS Announces Key MHCP Eligibility Policies during the Unwinding Period (PDF), which announces timelines for restarting Medical Assistance renewals after Public Health Emergency continuous coverage requirements end. These timelines also apply to reassessments for waiver and AC programs, including financial eligibility redeterminations for the AC program.
Drive Advocacy by Sharing Caregiver and Senior Voices with Your Networks
On April 13, 2023 by Dan Nelson
LeadingAge Minnesota is launching a statewide digital advocacy campaign featuring a series of videos that tell the stories of caregivers and seniors. The goal of the campaign is to drive advocacy at a critical time in the legislative session.
Nurse Aide Knowledge Test Pass Rates are on the Rise
On April 13, 2023 by Anna Mowry
New data shows that statewide nurse aide knowledge test pass rates have increased by over 8% in the first quarter of 2023. This means more nursing assistants have been successfully certified and placed on the registry.
Without Addressing Staffing Mandate, CMS Updates SNF Rates in Proposed PPS Rule
On April 6, 2023 by Jeff Bostic
Earlier this week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published the annual proposed rule that updates the Prospective Payment System (PPS) rates for care centers. The rule calls for an update in the rates starting Oct. 1, which averages 3.7%.
Stark Differences in Human Services Omnibus Bills as Minnesota Legislators Begin Week-Long Break
On April 6, 2023 by LeadingAge
On Monday, the Senate Human Services Committee passed its omnibus finance bill with key differences from the House’s version.
House Human Services Committee Releases Omnibus Bill with Mixed Results for Senior Care
On March 30, 2023 by Erin Huppert
The Minnesota House Human Services Committee released its omnibus finance bill this week. The budget bill includes some priority legislation like Elderly Waiver funding and a PACE rate study but stops short of investing in skilled nursing care for older adults.
Legislative Leaders Announce Joint Budget Targets
On March 23, 2023 by Erin Huppert
This week, legislative leaders and Governor Walz announced they had reached global budget targets for creating Minnesota’s biennial budget (FY2023-2025). This agreement sets the stage for the Legislature to spend the state’s $17.6 billion surplus. According to the agreement, human services has been given a $1.3 billion target for the two-year period, and health care an additional $755 million.
LeadingAge Minnesota Celebrates Return to In-person Advocacy Day at Capitol
On March 16, 2023 by Kayla Khang
Over 100 members came together this week at LeadingAge Minnesota’s Day at the Capitol, the first in-person day since 2019 after years of COVID-related restrictions. The strong showing illustrates that members understand the importance of speaking up and sharing their stories.
Employee Retention Credit Will Not Impact Care Center Rates
On March 16, 2023 by Jeff Bostic
Earlier this week, Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office informed LeadingAge that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will tell states with cost-based care center payment systems like Minnesota’s to treat Employee Retention Credit (ERC) funds like other federal CARES Act relief funds.
HCBS Settings Rule Implementation Deadline Is Here
On March 9, 2023 by Bobbie Guidry
The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule became effective on March 17, 2014, with transition activities underway since that time. Due to covid delays, the date for full compliance is March 17.
February Budget Forecast Shows Unprecedented Opportunity to Address Senior Care Funding Needs
On March 2, 2023 by Jeff Bostic
Minnesota’s updated state economic forecast was released Monday, and Minnesota’s budget and economic outlook remain historically strong, with a $17.5 billion balance projected for the next biennium. The Minnesota Legislature will use this forecast to determine how much money each budget area, including health and human services, will be allowed to spend.
Required Policies to be Distributed to AL with Dementia Care Residents or their Representatives
On March 2, 2023 by Bobbie Guidry
Several policies must be given to the assisted living with dementia care resident or their representatives according to Minnesota Statutes. Recent surveys have uncovered inconsistent application of this requirement.
Senate Human Services Holds Hearing on LTC Imperative Priorities
On March 2, 2023 by Erin Huppert
After a blizzard-induced postponement, the Senate Human Services Committee took up three long-term care bills championed by LeadingAge Minnesota and its Long-Term Care Imperative partner on Monday afternoon. The three bills represent the breadth of aging services and the need to ensure they are available for seniors in all the places they call home. All three bills were laid over for inclusion in the committee’s omnibus bill, which will be assembled and passed later this session.
Tune In to Caregiver Conversation – Roundtable with Sen. Frentz and Rep. Brand
On February 23, 2023 by Libbie Chapuran
LeadingAge Minnesota has launched a new series: Caregiver Conversations. We’re helping lawmakers and their constituents have critical conversations about the aging services sector. Then we’re we are sharing the recordings far and wide so Minnesotans and leaders at the Capitol better understand the issues we are facing.
PHE Ending – What it means for Nursing Homes
On February 23, 2023 by Mark Schulz
Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) held its routine National Nursing Home Stakeholder Call. During this call, CMS staff reiterated several vital facts about the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE).
Recent LTC Imperative Surveys Show Continued Tough Times for Providers
On February 23, 2023 by Jeff Bostic
With our partner in the Long-Term Care Imperative, we recently completed two surveys that look at the operating conditions faced by providers: a workforce survey and a care center occupancy survey. The surveys confirmed that staffing challenges continue to impact access to services for seniors throughout the state.
Revised Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities (UDALSA) Posted
On February 16, 2023 by Bobbie Guidry
An updated Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities (UDALSA) form is now available from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
Bill to Create Statewide Paid Family Leave Program Moves Through Legislature
On February 16, 2023 by Erin Huppert
A legislative proposal to create a statewide paid family leave program is moving rapidly through the Legislature this year with implications for employers and their employees.
Build Connections to Make an Impact
On February 16, 2023 by Kari Thurlow
LeadingAge Minnesota is more than an association. It’s a community built on a foundation of meaningful relationships and a common understanding of what it means to be an aging services professional. Our shared experiences help us know deeply the profound impact chronic underfunding of senior care services has on the well-being of professional caregivers, their families, and the people we serve.