News related to "mdh"
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Review Recently Published Assisted Living Licensure Rules
On July 21, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Department of Health has announced the Notice of Adoption for the Rules Governing Assisted Living Facilities was published in the State Register on July 19. You may review the Notice of Adoption on the Minnesota State Register website, State Register Volume 46, Number 3 (Page 33).
Moratorium Exceptions Process Application Posted
On July 18, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently posted the application materials for a new round of the nursing facility moratorium exceptions process on the MDH website. Care centers interested in applying for approval to fund a construction project will need to complete all of the required application materials and return them to MDH by March 17, 2022.
MDH Implementing Assessment Changes from Special Session
On July 7, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Legislation approved during the special session that wrapped up last week made a couple of changes to resident assessment practices that care center members know. The first is the implementation of the requirement for a significant change assessment after therapy services end or after the completion of a period of required isolation for an infection. Those changes are effective Aug. 1.
Payment & Background Checks Needed for Assisted Living Licensure Completion
On June 30, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
Last week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) clarified the final steps providers need to complete to receive their assisted living license by Aug. 1.
Moratorium Exceptions Process Deadline Approaching
On June 16, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
While we advocate for a legislative appropriation to support the moratorium exceptions program in the current special session, we want to remind members that there is currently a round open with close to a million in Medicaid funding available.
Learning Opportunity on Use of Monoclonal Antibody Therapies for COVID-19
On June 9, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
LeadingAge, AHCA, and AMDA are jointly collaborating with the federal COVID response team to hold a live event, “Update on the Use of Monoclonal Antibody (mAB) Therapies for COVID-19: A Review of New Treatments and At-Risk Populations.” The event is set for June 15 at 2 p.m. CDT.
Waiver Reimagine Office Hours
On April 21, 2021 by Roni Falck
The Minnesota Department of Human Service’s Waiver Reimagine project team is hosting open office hours to discuss and understand the recent changes to Minnesota’s waiver programs. DHS will provide updates and review some common questions received about how to implement changes related to the simplified service menu.
MDH Names New Health Regulation Division Director
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has selected Martha Burton Santibáñez to be the Director of the Health Regulation Division (HRD). The HRD includes various programs affecting aging services providers, including Case Mix Review, Engineering Services, the Office of Health Facility Complaints, Health Occupations, Home Care & Assisted Living, and Licensing & Certification. Prior to assuming the Director position, Ms. Burton Santibáñez served four years as an Assistant Division Director.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Completed for Minnesota’s Care Centers
On March 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), 97% of care centers had completed their third vaccination clinics as of last week Wednesday, marking essentially the end of the mass vaccination effort in those settings. At that time, 97% of Assisted livings had conducted a second clinic. With only third clinics in assisted living remaining, the program is expected to be completed by the end of the month.
CDC Updates Guidance on Well-Fitting Masks In Q&A Document
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Everson
On February 10th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a MMWR article discussing well-fitting masks. The study shows the better a mask fits around the user’s face, the better the protection against contracting COVID-19. Methods to increase mask fitting include a mask fitter, tucking and looping a surgical or procedural mask, or wearing a cloth mask over the surgical or procedure mask.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Long-Term Care Nearing Completion
On March 3, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
In the most recent update from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), based on data through last Wednesday, clear progress on completing vaccination clinics has been made. At that point, 43% of care centers had completed their third vaccination clinics, and 56% of assisted livings had conducted a second clinic. Both numbers rose dramatically in just the last week, keeping the program on track to complete all clinics in a few weeks.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Progressing
On February 24, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to a Minnesota Department of Health survey reflecting data through last Wednesday, 98% of care centers have completed two vaccination clinics, and almost all assisted living settings had completed a first clinic. Additionally, 12% of assisted living had conducted a second clinic, a number which will rise rapidly in the next couple of weeks.
MDH Announces Webinar on Assisted Living Licensure
On February 10, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Department of Health is offering a webinar on Thursday Feb. 18, 2021, from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Information will be provided regarding changes to the laws that affect home care, assisted living and housing with services providers in relation to assisted living licensure.
FAQ: Can You Quarantine a New Admission for Fewer Than 14 Days?
On February 10, 2021 by Kari Everson
A 14-day quarantine after admission is daunting for many residents. Transitions may already be difficult and are now compounded by the necessary infection prevention and control practices in place during the pandemic.
MDH Addresses Questions on Directed Plans of Correction to Nursing Homes
On February 3, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
Over the past six months, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has been issuing “Directed Plans of Correction” (DPOC) to nursing homes cited for deficient infection control practices. Care centers have raised questions and concerns about the DPOC process, and we worked recently with MDH to clarify two key issues.
COVID-19 Guidance: Non-Medically Necessary Outings
On January 27, 2021 by Kari Everson
Long-term care organizations work tirelessly to keep residents and staff as safe as possible during the pandemic. We know congregate living settings can have significant outbreaks when COVID-19 is brought into the building. These outbreaks impact the health and lives of our residents and staff. The CDC has long-reported small family gatherings increase the number of outbreaks in long-term care settings.
Members Encouraged to Submit MDH Vaccine Survey Weekly
On January 20, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Starting last week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is conducting a weekly survey on vaccination in long-term care settings. The survey allows MDH and the provider associations to track the progress of vaccination of residents and staff in sites across the state. Providers are asked to visit the vaccine REDcap survey link each Wednesday to updated their information.
Minnesota Department of Health Launches Division Director Hiring Process
On January 6, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is now accepting applications for the position of Heath Regulation Division Director. A summary of the role, a list of qualifications and a channel for submitting an application are available through this job posting.
MDH Expected to Post Cumulative COVID-19 Data to Website Next Week
On January 6, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
As we shared in this Advantage story three weeks ago, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) intends to begin including COVID-19 data in its Situation Update that shows cumulative totals for the number staff cases, resident cases, and resident deaths, for all nursing homes and assisted living settings that have had an exposure to COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
MDH to Post Cumulative COVID-19 Data to Its Website
On December 16, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The MN Department of Health (MDH) plans to post more data to its website about the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living settings than it is posting now.