News related to "covid-19"
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New Guidance for Alternative Adult Day Services Requirements
On March 31, 2021 by Roni Falck
CMS has approved modifications to alternative adult day services effective immediately. The modifications will:
- Increase the maximum daily service duration for alternative adult day services (delivered remotely and/or in person) to one person at a time from 4 hours per day to 6 hours per day
- Increase the maximum number of people attending online events.
MDH Makes Changes to Vaccination Reporting
On March 31, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has implemented changes to the vaccination reporting for long-term care providers. As mass clinics wrap up, MDH is implementing what they call “maintenance mode” for providers who have achieved a 70% vaccination rate for both staff and residents. At this point, 15% of providers meet that standard; therefore, they will be asked only to report monthly to show that they are maintaining high vaccination rates.
MDH Publishes Updated Activities and Dining Guidance for Assisted Living Settings
On March 31, 2021 by Kari Everson
Yesterday, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) published updated guidance which allows for more flexibility for dining and guidance in assisted living settings.
Activities and meals are a significant factor in combating social isolation and bringing a sense of normalcy and stability to our resident’s lives.
LeadingAge Conducting Survey on Provider Relief Fund
On March 24, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
LeadingAge has launched a member survey to gauge how much Provider Relief Fund (PRF) funding members have received to date, how much unmet need remains, and the reasons for the continued need for more funding. This information will help them advocate to Congress for additional PRF appropriations and articulate why providers still need this help.
CMS and CDC to Answer Visitation Questions on Thursday Webinar
On March 24, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
As providers across the country work to absorb and implement updated visitation guidance, many questions are rising to the surface. To address these trending questions, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will hold a National Nursing Home Stakeholder Call this Thursday, March 25, from 3 – 4 p.m. CT.
MDH Continues Work to Support LTC Vaccination
On March 24, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is continuing its efforts to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other congregate living facilities.
Knowing our settings will be completing third clinics over the next couple of weeks, MDH, in consultation with LeadingAge MN and other provider associations and existing long-term care (LTC) vaccine providers, has launched an interim process for staff and residents to access vaccine administration until more vaccine is made more widely available.
LeadingAge and AHCA Announce Legislative Effort in Response to Pandemic
On March 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
On Monday, LeadingAge and the American Health Care Association (AHCA) released a federal legislative proposal designed to allow the nursing home sector to make key changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these issues were evident for years before COVID-19 but were never fully addressed by policymakers. Through the Care For Our Seniors Act, AHCA and LeadingAge are calling on lawmakers once again to help resolve systemic challenges, as well as reflecting on ways nursing home providers themselves can improve.
Resilience Tip: Anniversaries and our Well Being
On March 17, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
This month marks the anniversary of when COVID arrived in Minnesota and began to ravage our facilities and dismantle our personal and professional lives.
The anniversary can leave us sad for what we have lost, angry that we are not over this yet and too exhausted from months of survival mode to feel good about our work. It can also cast doubt on whether the huge effort we have put into keeping things as good as possible even made a difference.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Completed for Minnesota’s Care Centers
On March 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), 97% of care centers had completed their third vaccination clinics as of last week Wednesday, marking essentially the end of the mass vaccination effort in those settings. At that time, 97% of Assisted livings had conducted a second clinic. With only third clinics in assisted living remaining, the program is expected to be completed by the end of the month.
DHS Delays Submission of COVID-19 Cost Schedule Indefinitely
On March 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Last week, DHS postponed the special COVID-19 supplemental cost report schedule to track the receipt and use of state and federal funds related to pandemic response until May 3. However, after further reflection on the lack of federal guidance on the reporting of provider relief funds to the federal government, DHS has decided to postpone the submission of the COVID schedule by care centers indefinitely.
MDH Publishes Guidance, Eases Restrictions in Congregate Care Settings
On March 17, 2021 by Kari Everson
State and federal regulators provided updated guidance that allows for more visitors to enter our building with fewer restrictions and allows for vaccinated residents to leave our settings without the requirement of a 14-day quarantine in some instances. Just this morning, MDH posted updated Long-term Care Guidance for Non-medically Necessary Outings, Long-term Care Visitation Guidance for Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living–type Settings, and two flowcharts to inform congregate care settings of the guidance updates linked later in this story. In these guidance documents, MDH adopted the QSO 20-39-NH revised memo for assisted living communities; and, adopted the CMS recommendations for health care settings.
Reminder: COVID-19 Courage Fund Grant Responders’ Call TOMORROW
On March 10, 2021 by Terri Foley
To learn more about the COVID-19 Courage Fund grant program application process, register for Responders’ Call which will be held tomorrow, March 11 from 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Applicants must be LeadingAge Minnesota members that are located outside of the 7-county metro area based on the guidelines from the regional foundation that awarded LeadingAge MN Foundation these grant funds.
Congress Expected to Send America Rescue Plan to President This Week
On March 10, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
The Senate has finally released the complete version of the American Rescue Plan passed on Saturday, and the bill has now gone to the House. It is expected that the House will vote on that bill today – and passage is expected – so the President can sign the bill into law by the end of the week. Because this legislation will provide the State with additional financial support, we are optimistic that its passage will support our advocacy work at the state level to support a Hero Pay Bonus for all caregivers in congregate care settings during the pandemic.
Resilience Tip: How Long Can We Be Resilient?
On March 10, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
You’re in good company if you’ve noticed some extra discouragement or frustration during a time when we have some glimmers of COVID-19 hope: vaccines have arrived and been delivered, and rates of death and hospitalization are down. So why do we feel so discouraged, tired or overwhelmed again?
Reporting Antigen Test Results: A Refresher on the Requirements
On March 10, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has reminded providers about the importance of reporting COVID-19 point of care antigen test results.
Many providers, both care centers and assisted living, are administering antigen tests, using the Quidel Sofia or BD Veritor systems, or the Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 card tests. The MDH epidemiology team recently shared with us that it believes some providers are not consistently reporting the results of those rapid, point of care tests, and so we wanted to share a reminder of the requirements.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Long-Term Care Closing in on Completion
On March 10, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), 63% of Minnesota’s care centers have completed their third vaccination clinics and 73% of assisted living settings have conducted a second clinic as of March 3. Both numbers rose dramatically in just the last week, keeping the program on track to complete all clinics soon.
Federal COVID-19 Package Passes House, Moves to Senate
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
Federal lawmakers continue to move forward with a COVID-10 response package. Last weekend, the House passed the $1.9 trillion package and now the legislation is being considered in the Senate.
While the current package includes investments in infection control teams for care centers and an enhanced Medicaid match for HCBS Waivers, it fails to provide to the existing Provider Relief Fund.
CMS Updates Isolation Coding on the MDS
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Everson
The Minnesota Department of Health Case Mix Review team released information on updated documentation requirements when isolation is coded on the MDS under O0100M. This updated information will be effective for all MDS’ with an assessment reference date (ARD) on or after Friday, March 5. In order to correctly code O0100M, Isolation on the MDS, case mix review auditors will check for required documentation in the resident’s medical record. This required documentation includes:
COVID-19 Courage Fund Grant Responders’ Call for Rural Providers
On March 3, 2021 by Terri Foley
If you have questions about applying for a Courage Fund through LeadingAge MN Foundation (LAMF), join a 45-minute Grant Responders’ Call from 11 - 11:45 a.m. on March 11. Register for call in advance.
Resilience Tip: Trauma & Resilience
On March 3, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
In senior care, many of us are doubling up on trauma exposure, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is one thing to experience a traumatic event personally—and another to do this in addition to watching others cope with trauma daily. This can have negative effects on our well-being. Fortunately, we can experience post-traumatic stress without this becoming a long-term issue. Our resilience strategies can help.