News related to "assisted living licensure"
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Aug. 15 Free Webinar Explains New Retaliation Law
On August 13, 2019 by Heidi Simpson
Are you ready to comply with the new retaliation protections that went into effect on Aug. 1? Join our free webinar tomorrow (Aug. 15) to learn how these protections apply to residents and staff in care centers and assisted living/housing with services and how you can stay in compliance
When Change Happens, We’re At Your Side
On June 23, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
The Elder Care and Vulnerable Protection Act of 2019 will bring forward the next generation of assisted living and changes in vulnerable adult protection for all providers of aging services. As we’ve been traveling the state and fielding calls and emails, we know you have questions, concerns and ideas on the challenges and opportunities presented by the new regulations. We are here…at your side…ready to help.
Changes Made to Comprehensive Home Care Fines Help Fund New Maltreatment Compensation Fund
On June 11, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
A maltreatment compensation fund has been established effective July 1, 2019 as a new section of the Comprehensive Home Care Law. The fund, which will be funded by fines for Level 2 through 4 violations, will be available to home care clients with a finding of substantiated maltreatment until it closes on July 31, 2021 when the new Assisted Living Licensure becomes effective.
Assisted Living Licensure: “True Solutions Need True Partners,” says Governor Walz
On June 5, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
In a ceremonial bill signing that took place today during the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Governor Tim Walz cited the collaboration that took place among stakeholders to draft legislation that will improve the lives of seniors, move Minnesota forward in assisted living licensure, and help ensure safety, respect and dignity for people as they age.
Stay Informed: New Assisted Living Licensure Web Page
On June 4, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
To help you learn more about the new Assisted Living Licensure law and stay informed about the rulemaking process, we’ve created a one-stop web page where you can easily access information about the new law, how it impacts you, ways to engage in the rulemaking process, and resources to help you comply with the new requirements.
Special Session Ends. Our Work Continues.
On May 29, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
The special session that was required to complete work on the state budget ended in the early morning hours of Saturday, May 25. Given all the challenges of the session, with its focus on addressing elder abuse and assisted living oversight and an unexpected proposal to cut funding for senior care, our successes were only made possible by the tireless and unprecedented grassroots advocacy of our members. In the end, we were able pass the historic Elder Care and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2019 and hold off rate cuts for care centers and reductions to Elderly Waiver caps. We also know that there is significant work ahead and issues that were largely unaddressed this year, including Elderly Waiver funding reform and addressing the caregiving workforce shortage.
3 Ways to Learn More About New Assisted Living Licensure, Older Adult Protection Law
On May 22, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
In the final hours of the 2019 legislative session, the Minnesota Legislature passed landmark legislation that ushers in the next generation of assisted living services. The new framework provides greater clarity and transparency for consumers, strengthened regulatory oversight and consumer protection, and maintains a model of senior living that supports choice, options and the opportunity to age in place. We know you have questions about this legislation and what it means to you, your operations and the people you serve. Here are three immediate ways to learn more and a way to provide us with your feedback:
Legislature Returns: House Votes on HHS Bill, AARP Holds Telephone Town Hall with Gov. Walz
On April 24, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
The Minnesota Legislature returned from its spring recess this week and wasted no time in getting down to business. Today in the Minnesota House, lawmakers will be voting on the House HHS Finance omnibus bill (HF2414). Tomorrow AARP will host a Telephone Town Hall with Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan on their key priorities for the remainder of the legislative session, which will include discussion on the protection of older adults in assisted living settings.
Session Update: Now Is The Time To Be Heard
On April 16, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
The Legislature is on its annual spring break this week, so we thought this would be a good time to update you with where things stand. There are several key issues at stake, with differing approaches taken in the House and the Senate. Now is a critical time for all lawmakers to hear from providers, caregivers, trustees and seniors about the concerns we may have with various proosals. Here is a summary of the key issues:
The Wrong Direction: House Unveils HHS Budget Bill - Funding Cuts, Onerous Regulation
On April 3, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
The Minnesota House Health and Human Services (HHS) Finance Division yesterday unveiled its nearly 1,000-page budget bill, and it doesn’t contain a lot of good news for senior care providers. LeadingAge Minnesota and the Long-Term Care Imperative oppose this bill and are asking members to join us in turning up the volume on the devastating impact it could have on the growing number of seniors you serve and those who provide them with care.
Senior Care Budget and Policy Proposals Slated for Hearings This Week
On March 20, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
A busy week at the State Capitol is unfolding, with two hearings scheduled this week that are expected to advance major bills related to senior care budget and policy issues. Our Day at the Capitol was a success in setting the stage for solutions that will best meet the needs of the older adults we serve, but your advocacy will be needed in the days and weeks ahead as the Legislature gets down to business in advancing budget proposals and potential historic changes to senior living.
As Regulations for Assisted Living Providers Take Shape, Provider Voice at the Capitol is Essential
On February 26, 2019 by Libbie Chapuran
This is a watershed year for how services are regulated for seniors in Minnesota. Bills are being introduced, and while there is broad consensus on concerns and principles, there is also divergence on areas that will affect the lives of seniors, their access to services, and your functioning as a provider. It is essential for those providing care and services in assisted living settings to be a part of the conversation at the Capitol. Register today for our Day at the Capitol on March 12!
Problematic Provisions Remain as Senate Vulnerable Adults Legislation Progresses
On May 2, 2018 by Libbie Chapuran
The Minnesota Senate has advanced a bill that would significantly alter many provisions that impact the way aging services providers serve older adults in long-term care settings.