Press Room
Driven to transform and enhance the experience of aging.
LeadingAge Minnesota is the state’s largest association of organizations serving older adults. Together with more than 60,000 caregivers, our members provide quality care, services and support to nearly 70,000 older adults in independent living, assisted living, adult day, home care, and skilled nursing.
Media Contact
Seeking information on older adult services? We connect media with organizations that serve older adults in communities across the state and provide expert analysis and commentary on a wide range of issues, such as:
- Insight and analysis of the laws and regulations for older adult services in Minnesota
- Data and research of key demographic and economic trends
- Information about quality, standards and best practices for delivering care and services
- The changing landscape of older adult services, including consumer trends and new services
- Public policy that impacts older adults and caregivers
- Technology and innovation in older adult services
- Workforce trends in older adult services
For more information, contact Ben Hansen, Director of Communications, at
Media Statements and Press Releases

The latest state budget forecast brings troiubling news for Minnesota's seniors and the caregivers who support them

Governor Walz’s budget proposal actively hurts Minnesota’s seniors, who have earned their right to care.

The mandate creates an untenable situation for senior care facilities across Minnesota and throughout the country.

Disappointed in the ruling, LTCI urges elected officials to take action to prioritize longterm care.
LeadingAge Minnesota and Our Members In the News
April 24: Analysis finds 4 in 5 nursing facilities don’t meet staffing requirements (McKnights Long-Term Care News)
March 21: Workforce grants offer $28 million to recruit, retain new Americans for senior living roles (McKnights Senior Living News)
March 1: Long-Term Care and Mental Health First aid for seniors and caregivers (Minnesota Physician)
Feb. 27: Tackling the nursing home staffing crisis (MPR)
Feb. 17: Marshall nursing home, community volunteer receive awards from statewide association (Marshall Independent)
Feb. 15: Local caregiver receives honor (Fairmont Sentinel)
Feb. 10:Sauk Rapids Women Named Caregiver of the Year (WJON)
Feb 9: Jeana Brown of Good Shepherd Community Assisted Living Named District D Caregiver of the Year (KNSI Radio)
Feb. 8: Dodge Center caregiver named one of the best in the state (KIMT)
Oct. 11: Robots and smart technology are on the rise at Minnesota's communities for older adults (Star Tribune)
Sept. 18: Former union head leads state board able to set wages without funding them (McKnights Long-Term Care News)
Sept. 8: Program lets high school students pick up credit, paycheck — and interest in senior living (McKnights Senior Living)
Aug. 8: Minnesota nursing homes receive first direct payments from emergency funds passed by legislature (WCCO-TV)
Aug. 3: Nursing homes receive first round of state grants (KTTC-TV)
June 7: Meet the man who played key role in $300 million for nursing homes (Detroit Lakes Tribune)
May 24: New funding, donations save Ely nursing home, for now (The TimberJay)
May 22: After balking at $2 SNF raise, lawmakers create unelected board to set wages (McKnights Long-Term Care News)
May 22: Minnesota lawmakers take step to mandate nursing home wages (Modern Health Care)
May 20: Last-minute deal at MN Legislature: $2.6B infrastructure package, more money for nursing homes (Pioneer Press)
May 20: $300 million for nursing homes part of a larger deal for MN capital investment (MPR)
May 20: MN GOP says nursing homes are left behind in DFL $1.3 billion human services budget (Pioneer Press)
May 17: Nurse training pilot program a ‘win-win’ for Presbyterian Homes & Services (McKnights Senior Living)
May 17: House bill shorts long-term care (Moose Lake Star Gazette)
May 17: Walz, DFL shortchanging Minnesota seniors (Duluth News Tribune)
May 11: Let’s solve the caregiver crisis (Northfield News)
May 11: Stop kicking grandma to the curb (APG-ECM Editorial Board)
May 9: Assisted living reaching ‘breaking point,’ with 40 percent of providers without sufficient staffing (McKnights Senior Living)
May 8: Time running out to help Minnesota’s LTC providers (McKnights Long-Term Care News)
May 7: An Echo Press Editorial: Let’s not ignore the health care needs of the elderly (Echo Press)
May 4: Minnesota long-term care workforce facing staffing crisis (ABC 6 News)
May 3: Minnesota long-term care facilities turning away seniors at ‘alarming rates’ (Fox9 News)
May 3: Nursing homes push state for more funding (Kare11)
April 28: Long-term care leaders meet Gov. Tim Walz (Northfield News)
April 23: Upcoming closure of Erskine, Minnesota, nursing home was a ‘big shock’ for the community (Grand Forks Herald)
April 22: The cost of senior care is rising while caregivers are ‘drowning’ without help (WQOW)
April 22: More help vital for Minnesota’s nursing homes (Star Tribune Editorial)
April 20: Critical issues include nursing homes, housing, higher ed (The Journal)
April 13: ‘It’s a struggle right now’: Nursing homes press Minnesota lawmakers for help (Minnesota Public Radio)
April 11: Our View: It's on St. Paul to fix long-term care crisis (Duluth News Tribune)
April 10: Creative county commissioners ask for $1B to buoy rural nursing homes (McKnight’s Long-Term Care News)
April 10: Birchwood Cottages recognized for 'Achievement in Quality' (Waseca County News)
April 9: Our View: Legislature-Long-term Care Needs Critical Investment (Mankato Free Press)
April 7: Minnesota Matters featuring Meghan Dayton, Demographer (Minnesota News Network)
April 7: Bethesda CEO Michelle Haefner appointed to LeadingAge Minnesota board of directors (West Central Tribune)
April 7: Letter: Maybe Klobuchar can convince Democrats to address nursing home crisis (Albert Lea Tribune)
April 6: LETTER: Caregivers make the difference (Sun Sailor)
April 4: Long-term funding for senior care in Minnesota needs to be priority one (MinnPost)
March 31: As lawmakers dole out record surplus, many say they need more (MPR)
March 31: Nursing home advocates rally at State Capitol Thursday (New Ulm Journal)
March 31: Minnesota Matters featuring Sen. Liz Bolden (Minnesota News Network)
March 30: Nursing home advocates Zoom to get attention from legislators on care needs (New Ulm Journal)
March 30: House GOP introduces nursing home funding bill (KAAL-TV)
March 27: Senate GOP unveils ‘compromise’ spending offer, including $500 million boost for nursing homes (The Reformer)
March 29: Caregivers deserve better wages (St. Peter Herald)
March 24: Fluence Forum: A conversation about the caregiving crisis in Minnesota (830 WCCO)
March 23: Legislators should support caregivers (Waseca County News)
March 22: Senate Human Services leaders talk about needs of LTC sector (Almanac at the Capitol, TPT)
March 18: Community In-Depth featuring Benedictine Living Community - Regina staff (KDWA - Hastings)
March 18: Minnesota nursing homes in crisis (New Ulm Journal)
March 17: Minnesota Matters featuring Rep. Kim Hicks (Minnesota News Network)
March 17: Crookston skilled nursing facility RiverView Memory Care to close (Grand Forks Herald)
March 16: Time for state to contribute more for senior care (Rochester Post Bulletin)
March 15: Readers view: Legislature positioned to fix senior care system (Duluth News Tribune)
March 15:Opinion: State lawmakers need to act to fix staggering workforce shortage at nursing homes (Detroit Lake Tribune)
March 15: State lawmakers need to act to fix staggering workforce shortage at nursing homes (Perham Focus)
March 14: Rural Nursing Homes hope for legislative change (KEYC-TV)
March 14: Editorial counterpoint - Health care ailment spreads far beyond hospitals (Star Tribune)
March 13: Minnesota malnutrition deaths rose during pandemic (Star Tribune)
March 12: Sara Blair: Minnesota should invest in elderly care (Winona Daily News)
March 11: Readers Write - The root cause of trouble (Star Tribune)
March 10: Minnesota Matters featuring Dustin Lee, Praire Senior Cottages (Minnesota News Network)
March 7: Letter: Prioritize and support adequate funding for senior care (Alexandria Echo Press)
March 6: Saint Therese President & CEO Craig W. Appointed To LeadingAge Minnesota Board of Directors (Yahoo! Finance)
March 3: Samaritan Bethany's Matt Hrabak named district caregiver of the year (Rochester Post Bulletin)
March 2: Jasinski hears from care facility: Help wanted (Steele County Times)
March 2: Minnesota Matters featuring Sue Knutson, Samaritan Bethany (Minnesota News Network)
March 2: Long-Term Care Facilities Push Lawmakers for Funding Help for Staffing (KRWC-AM 1360)
March 1: Crookston nurse named Caregiver of the Year (Crookston Times)
Feb. 24: Minnesota Matters featuring Kari Thurlow, LeadingAge Minnesota (Minnesota News Network)
Feb. 23: Workforce Shortages In State Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Centers (Fergus Now)
Feb. 18: Olson hears care center concerns (Fairmont Sentinel)
Feb. 18: Leann Wright Named Board Trustee of the Year by LeadingAge Minnesota (Fargo Forum)
Feb. 17: Bel Cellini named district caregiver of the year for her work at Bethesda Sunrise Village in Willmar (West Central Tribune)
Feb. 17: Mowry named Benedictine 'Volunteer of the Year' (Owatonna Peoples Press)
Feb. 16: Carrie Stamm named Caregiver of The Year (Isanti Chisago County Star)
Dec. 13: Senior care should be a state funding priority (Marshall Independent)
Dec. 12: University of Minnesota study shows largest staffing shortages in nation (KAAL)
Dec. 9: Prioritize seniors with state budget surplus (Mankato Free Press)
Dec. 8: Advocates want $1B of surplus to improve long term care in Minnesota (Minnesota News Network)
Dec. 6: LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation invests $400,000 in 24 workforce grants (McKnight's Senior Living News)
Dec. 3: Above average is still failing on boosters (Star Tribune)
Nov. 29: Workforce shortage crippling Minnesota long-term care providers (WZFG)
Nov. 28: Senior living and care facilities turn away older adults 11K times in 1 month due to workforce crisis: survey (McKnight's Senior Living News)
Nov. 27: Smart kick-start to a health care career (StarTribune)
Nov. 11: State leaders have a duty to protect senior care (MinnPost)
Nov. 11: Minnesota VA explains issues facing veterans today (KARE 11)
Oct. 27: Staffing shortages hitting nursing homes; leaders work to increase wages (KTTC)
Oct. 15: Reader's View: Let’s not leave Minnesota seniors behind (Duluth News Tribune)
Oct. 5: Fears, frustration mount as Minnesota’s long-term care staffing crisis deepens (MPR)
Oct. 3: State announces amount to be given for Minnesota frontline worker bonuses (Albert Lea Tribune)
Sept. 28: How to determine the right time for a move into assisted living (MinnPost)
Sept. 17: Relief for Minnesota's long-term care providers stalls again (Sauk Rapids Herald)
Sept. 15: Letter: Let’s help our seniors and senior caregivers (Hometown Source)
Sept. 15: Habitat for Humanity celebrates five years of Aging in Place Program locally (Voice of Alexandria)
Sept. 10: Troubled Twin Cities nursing home ordered to pay millions in neglect cases (Star Tribune)
Sept. 2: Minnesota to start offering updated COVID boosters (Kare 11)
Sept. 1: Minnesota using COVID funds to extend nursing assistant training program (KSTP)
Aug. 18: Opinion: Senior care in crisis while legislative fix stalls in St. Paul (Detroit Lakes Online)
Aug. 10: Letter: State budget surplus gives hope for senior support programs (Hutchinson Leader)
Aug. 9: Letter to the Editor: Caregiver shortage and care crisis is completely avoidable (Austin Daily Herald)
Aug. 3: Letter to the Editor: Despite Budget Surplus, Greater Minnesota Seniors Left Behind in Legislative Session (Marshall Independent)
July 21: Rochester care providers still fighting to overcome worker shortage issue (Post Bulletin)
July 1: Letter: Legislators left long-term care hanging (Morrison County Record)
June 29: Staffing Shortages Have U.S. Nursing Homes in Crisis (
June 23: Commentary: State leaders have abandoned Minnesota seniors (Star Tribune)
June 22: New Minnesota healthcare law fails to address assisted living’s most pressing challenge: staff wages (McKnight’s Senior Living)
June 10: $500 million ‘hero pay’ initiative goes into effect for assisted living and other workers (McKnight’s Senior Living)
June 8: Impasse at Legislature puts help for Minnesota’s long-term care providers in limbo (MinnPost)
June 1: Rochester nursing home lowers capacity due to staffing shortages (ABC 6 News)
May 21: Letter: Crunch time for legislators and long-term care facilities (Post Bulletin)
May 20: Southeast Minnesota long-term senior care facilities struggle through financial crisis, staffing shortages (Post Bulletin)
May 19: Nursing Homes Will Fail Without State Help, Sholom Says (TC Jewfolk)
May 17: Legislator need to support long-term care and workers | Letters To The Editor |
May 9: Saint Therese CEO Barb Rode to Retire, Marks Decades of Service in Senior Care - CCX Media
May 9: Assisted living communities in more danger of closing than nursing homes
May 9: The quality, cost and future of long-term care in Minnesota | MPR News
May 6: Survey found hundreds of Minnesota senior care centers may close (Y.105 FM: Rochester’s Best Variety Radio)
May 4: Readers’ Views: State Legislature: Help needed for seniors in our community (Fairmont Sentinel)
May 4: Letter: To legislators, support professional caregivers (Edina Sun Current)
May 3: Local View: Long-term senior care needs legislator attention (Duluth News Tribune)
April 30: Opinion: Wages should reflect importance of caregivers (Mankato Free Press)
April 29: Pandemic prompts Duluth caregiver to shift careers (Duluth News Tribune)
April 28: Letter: Senior caregivers need a living wage (InForum)
April 28: Letter to the Editor: Raise wages of caregivers (SW News Media)
April 27: Opinion: Sara Blair: Urgent legislative action needed to support seniors and caregivers (Winona Daily News)
April 21: Letter to the Editor: Our Seniors deserve nothing less (SW News Media)
April 12: Unreported COVID tests mean Minnesota will no longer calculate positivity rates (Pioneer Press)
April 9: Minnesota legislators aim to tackle ‘dire’ staffing shortages in long-term care (Star Tribune)
April 6: $1.322 billion human services budget addresses Minnesota’s long-term care workforce crisis (MN Senate Republican Caucus newsroom)
April 5: Our Opinion: Cheers to Minnesota's CNA training program and the long-term care staffing relief it provides (Detroit Lakes Tribune)
April 4: Our View: State’s nursing assistant program should continue (Mankato Free Press)
March 29: Minnesota surpasses goal of recruiting 1,000 new certified nursing assistants (Star Tribune)
March 29: Nearly 1,300 nursing assistants recruited through Minnesota's free tuition program (Duluth News Tribune)
March 29: Senators Abeler and Housley introduce $1.322 billion budget priority to address long-term care workforce crisis (Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus)