Category: Federal News
Welcome to the Federal News category. These news items pertain to aging services national policies and programs.
MFAR Receives Bipartisan Pushback on Capitol Hill
On February 25, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
There are strong bipartisan concerns from federal lawmakers about the proposed federal rule that could eliminate up to $50 billion from the Medicaid program annually and have serious implications on aging services providers’ supplemental payments.
CMS Proposes Revisions to PASRR Rule
On February 25, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule on Feb. 20 that would revise requirements for Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). While many of the changes seek to clarify or reinforce requirements already in statute, this overhaul could have significant implications for nursing homes.
Now Active: VA Community Care Network
On February 18, 2020 by Roni Falck
The Community Care Networks (CCNs) from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are now active. CCNs replace the Veterans Choice Program and are designed to expand the provider network and improve customer service for veterans and timeliness of payments for providers. Along with Veterans Care Agreements, the CCNs are the main vehicle through which VA pays non-VA providers.
HUD Seeks 15% Budget Cut but More Funding for Section 202 Housing
On February 18, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
Yes. You read that correctly. The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) is seeking a 15% cut to its own funding in fiscal year 2021 that will have a detrimental impact on programs that serve older adults.
New Video Resource: PRACtical RAD Overview
On February 18, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) has released the first of a series of short videos on RAD for PRAC.
1 in 6 Medicaid Dollars at Stake: Medicaid Takes a Hit in Trump Budget
On February 18, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
We delved deeper into the proposed fiscal year 2021 budget from the Trump Administration and discovered a $1 trillion spending cut that could impact aging services and the people you serve. While there is a lack of detail on where these cuts would come from and the budget is likely dead on arrival, it provides perspective on the Administration's vision for Medicaid that could come into play as part of the November election.
President Trump Releases Budget
On February 12, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
President Donald Trump this week released A Budget for America’s Future, which includes $4 trillion in mandatory and discretionary budget cuts in FY 2021 that would result in significant reductions to federal health care spending, including Medicare and Medicaid and other entitlement programs.
New CMS Block Grant Waivers Could Endanger Funding
On February 12, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a state Medicaid director's letter on Jan. 30 outlining how states can apply for Medicaid block grant waivers. We oppose Medicaid block grants and similar initiatives that would limit Medicaid funding, including per capita caps.
CMS Urges Healthcare Settings to Prepare for Possibility of Coronavirus
On February 12, 2020 by Jonathan Lips
As concerns arise with the emerging 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) threat, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is encouraging all healthcare settings to carefully review information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Trump Administration Efforts on Fair Housing and Public Charge Pose Concerns for Aging Services Providers
On January 29, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
The Trump Administration is working on three major changes in the area of affordable housing and pathways to citizenship that will weaken obligations to fair housing, lessen resources for affordable housing, and discourage older adults from receiving needed assistance.
CMS Announces Integration of Compare Sites
On January 29, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that the eight “compare” websites currently operating will be integrated into one streamlined user interface in spring 2020. The move is part of the its efforts to increase transparency and will create a one-stop-shop for Medicare beneficiaries exploring their provider options.
Apply Now: Grants Available to Improve Care Transitions
On January 21, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
Up to $2 million in grant funding is available from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to test technology solutions that improve care transitions, communication and care coordination.
HUD Proposal Would Weaken Fair Housing Enforcement
On January 21, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) last week published a proposed rule that would weaken the Fair Housing Act enforcement tool to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH).
Appropriations Bill Funds Key Priorities
On January 14, 2020 by Jodi Boyne
The 2020 appropriations package that was signed into law in late December features key initiatives and funding for workforce, dementia, veterans and potential transportation solutions for rural and underserved communities.
Hazardous Drug Management Rules Now in Effect for Health Care Centers and Assisted Living
On January 7, 2020 by Sue Boyd
While the new standards for handling hazardous drugs in health care facilities went into effect for skilled nursing, long-term care and assisted living in December, there are many questions on who the rules apply to, who is enforcing the rule and how to be compliant in the various care centers. The following information answers some frequently asked questions:
CMS Posts Draft Version of 2020 MDS Item Sets
On January 7, 2020 by Sue Boyd
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) unexpectedly announced last month that it posted a new draft version of the 2020 MDS item sets (v1.18.0) for skilled nursing settings that is scheduled to go into effect Oct. 1, 2020. Changes of note in this draft version:
Spending Bill Avoids Shutdown, Contains New Housing Funds
On December 18, 2019 by Bobbie Guidry
House and Senate leaders have reached a spending agreement and it is anticipated the final fiscal year 2020 appropriations package will be signed into law by midnight Dec. 20.
Capitol Hill Update: Partisan Wrangling Hinders Action on Key Priorities
On December 10, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
Partisan wrangling over issues not related to aging services has made it difficult for Congress to pass even routine legislation this session. So, how will this work get done and what will happen to issues that matter most to you?
Take Action: Tell Congress to Support New CNA Training Lockout Legislation
On December 10, 2019 by Kari Thurlow
LeadingAge last week commended the Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act, a new bill in the U.S. Senate that ends mandatory certified nursing assistant (CNA) training lock-outs. Now you can help this bill advance in Congress by telling our U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative to support this bill.
Lack of Action Threatens HCBS Programs that Help Consumers and Save States Money
On December 3, 2019 by Jodi Boyne
Looming deadlines pose a potential threat to two programs that help older adults remain in their homes or assisted living while saving consumers and the State of Minnesota money. Rules on spousal impoverishment and funding for the Money Follows the Person demonstration project are both set to expire Dec. 31 unless Congress acts.