Category: Federal News
Welcome to the Federal News category. These news items pertain to aging services national policies and programs.
Biden Issues Executive Order on Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors
On May 5, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
On April 27, President Biden issued an Executive Order to increase the federal minimum wage for employees of federal contractors to $15 per hour.
HUD Announces June Return To Physical Inspections
On April 28, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
On April 23, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge announced that HUD will substantially increase housing inspections for Multifamily Housing communities and Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) during the public health emergency, including properties participating in the NSPIRE demonstration program, beginning June 1. The restarted inspections will temporarily provide properties with 28 days advance notice instead of the regular 14-day notice.
Expanded Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Long-Term Care Facilities
On April 28, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
As we reported earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued memorandum QSO-21-15-ALL providing updated guidance (Appendix Z) for all providers covered by the federal Emergency Preparedness requirements.
HUD Updates Section 202 NOFA FAQs
On April 21, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
On April 15, HUD updated the Frequently Asked Questions associated with the Section 202 Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA), applications for which are due May 26. Based on the questions submitted, HUD has updated the FAQs. The new update includes questions on Opportunity Zones, FHA-insured financing in the development of projects, Environmental Review contacts, Appraisals, Physical Design, and Income Restrictions. The new questions are numbered 4, 16, 17, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 61 in this updated FAQ on the 202 NOFA website.
Round Two of FCC COVID-19 Telehealth Program Announced
On April 21, 2021 by Lori Meyer
The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau will begin accepting applications for Round 2 of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program on Thursday, April 29 at The filing window will last seven calendar days and close on Thursday, May 6 at 11 a.m. CT. Round 2 of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program is a $249.95 million federal initiative that builds on Round 1—a $200 million program established as part of the CARES Act.
CMS Releases Proposed Rule that Updates SNF Rates
On April 14, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Late last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued an annual Proposed Rule that updates the SNF PPS rates effective October 1, 2021. CMS will follow up with a final rule on the October 1 rates around August 1.
CMS Expands Emergency Preparedness Interpretive Guidelines
On April 14, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued memorandum QSO-21-15-ALL providing updated guidance (Appendix Z) for all providers covered by the federal Emergency Preparedness requirements. CMS is currently working on updates to the Emergency Preparedness Basic Surveyor Training Course to reflect the new changes.
“Information Blocking” Rule Takes Effect But Enforcement Mechanism Is Delayed
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
A set of rules took effect this week that are designed to support secure patient access to electronic medical records, as well as smooth electronic exchange of patient information. The so-called “Information Blocking” rule was developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
Draft Bill Circulated on Housing COVID-19 Relief
On March 31, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
Third Round of Applications for HUD COVID Supplemental Payments Expected
The House Committee on Financial Services is circulating a discussion draft of the Supporting Seniors and Tenants in Subsidized Housing Act. The draft bill is a version of 2020’s Emergency Housing Assistance for Older Adults Act introduced in the House (as HR 6873) and Senate (as S 4177). The draft bill is sponsored by Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), the chair of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program for eligible residents of Senior Housing Coming Soon
On March 24, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
This week, staff from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) new Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program joined LeadingAge’s Housing Advisory Group call to discuss how the new program could help affordable senior housing residents as well as housing providers.
LeadingAge Conducting Survey on Provider Relief Fund
On March 24, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
LeadingAge has launched a member survey to gauge how much Provider Relief Fund (PRF) funding members have received to date, how much unmet need remains, and the reasons for the continued need for more funding. This information will help them advocate to Congress for additional PRF appropriations and articulate why providers still need this help.
LeadingAge and AHCA Announce Legislative Effort in Response to Pandemic
On March 17, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
On Monday, LeadingAge and the American Health Care Association (AHCA) released a federal legislative proposal designed to allow the nursing home sector to make key changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these issues were evident for years before COVID-19 but were never fully addressed by policymakers. Through the Care For Our Seniors Act, AHCA and LeadingAge are calling on lawmakers once again to help resolve systemic challenges, as well as reflecting on ways nursing home providers themselves can improve.
OIG Finds Shortcomings in CMS Use of Nursing Home Staffing Data
On March 17, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
In response to an evaluation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG), CMS stated last week that it will continue working to publicly report on nurse staff turnover and tenure, as required by federal law.
Add Your Voice to HUD Physical Inspection Reform
On March 10, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
HUD is overhauling physical inspections and you have the chance to weigh in. LeadingAge, our national partner, is urging HUD to maintain a robust yet feasible approach to portfolio oversight. Using an easy online form, you can help us urge HUD to streamline the process while incentivizing well-performing properties. Add your voice in support of LeadingAge comments to HUD and customize your comments with a brief description of your community by March 15.
Congress Expected to Send America Rescue Plan to President This Week
On March 10, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
The Senate has finally released the complete version of the American Rescue Plan passed on Saturday, and the bill has now gone to the House. It is expected that the House will vote on that bill today – and passage is expected – so the President can sign the bill into law by the end of the week. Because this legislation will provide the State with additional financial support, we are optimistic that its passage will support our advocacy work at the state level to support a Hero Pay Bonus for all caregivers in congregate care settings during the pandemic.
Federal COVID-19 Package Passes House, Moves to Senate
On March 3, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
Federal lawmakers continue to move forward with a COVID-10 response package. Last weekend, the House passed the $1.9 trillion package and now the legislation is being considered in the Senate.
While the current package includes investments in infection control teams for care centers and an enhanced Medicaid match for HCBS Waivers, it fails to provide to the existing Provider Relief Fund.
National Partner LeadingAge Starts Work Groups for Affordable Housing Members
On February 24, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
Our partners at LeadingAge Housing Advisory Group now have five Workgroups to share information among members, to improve programs, and to inform LeadingAge advocacy to HUD and to Congress.
HUD opens 2021 Service Coordinator Renewals
On February 24, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
On February 19, HUD opened the application period for Calendar Year 2021 (CY21) Service Coordinator program renewals in GrantSolutions. Under a compressed timeline for the delayed grant renewals, applications are due by March 22, with disbursements projected for June or July.
LeadingAge Obtains CMS Clarification on Emergency Preparedness Exercises
On February 24, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
Under CMS emergency preparedness regulations, nursing facilities are required to conduct two emergency preparedness testing exercises annually – with exercises alternating between full-scale functional exercises and exercises of choice (mock drill, table-top exercise, workshop).
NHSN Training Opportunities for Care Centers
On February 17, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) team will offer trainings to review updates to the LTCF COVID-19 Module, Resident Impact & Facility Capacity Pathway, that took effect in late November 2020.