I’m Okay and Safety Checks
Based on review of Minnesota OHFC substantiated report data, we set out to address the issue of I’m Okay and Safety Checks at a Safe Care Safe Table. We reviewed several substantiated events in which checks were not performed due to gaps in the process for consistently and effectively conducting checks.
Through the Safe Table process, we identified the need to develop recommendations and tools for implementing strong approaches to determining who should receive checks, how checks will be performed, and follow-up in instances in which a resident fails a check (resident/staff have not indicated that resident is okay or it is discovered that assistance is needed).
What is an I’m Okay Check?
A system to check on residents routinely (at least one time a day) to assure that no assistance is needed and to provide or summon assistance if indicated.
What is a Safety Check? Checks initiated for an individual at a stated frequency due to a heightened concern for the person’s safety due to physical or cognitive impairment. These types of checks are typically determined and defined through the resident Individual Service Plan process.
Using the I’m Okay/Safety Check Roadmap
You can use the I’m Okay/Safety Check Roadmap to assess the practices currently present in your organization by clicking on the checkbox next to each practice. There are some practices that are applicable to your I’m Okay and Safety Check processes and other practices that are only applicable to either the I’m Okay or the Safety Check process. You can choose to initially focus on strengthening your I’m Okay Checks or Safety Checks or work on both processes at the same time. Based on the findings of your assessment, you can use the Action Planning Document (or another action planning tool) to create a plan to address one or more of the practices identified as an area of initial focus.
Review the toolkit items and implementation tips in the resource linked below: