Exhibit at the Assisted Living Conference
Tabletops are sold out. Please contact Jenny Prosser to be put on the waitlist.
Tabletop Rental Includes:
- event registration for one individual from your organization which includes breakfast, lunch, and breaks both days;
- 2 hours of dedicated exhibit time;
- connect with providers over lunch each day;
- exposure to over 200 senior housing and assisted living leaders;
- listing in the conference app which includes a description of the products/services your company provides;
- 8’ by 30” display table with linen;
- a PDF catalog of names, titles, addresses, and emails of all participants at the event (provided electronically one week before the conference); and
- the opportunity to attend education sessions and earn CEUs for no additional cost.
Contact Jenny Prosser at jprosser@leadingagemn.org with questions.