April 7, 2021
Featured News
Senior Care Proposals Unveiled in House and Senate Budget Bills
On April 7, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
Lawmakers resumed legislative activity this week following a one-week break to observe the Easter and Passover holidays. It is a pivotal week as lawmakers unveil budget bills and will need to pass bills out to their respective committees by Friday. Next week, we expect lawmakers will begin to pass these budget bills off the House and Senate floors, which will set up three-way budget negotiations between the House, Senate and Governor as they attempt to complete their work to pass a balanced budget by May 17.
Moratorium Exceptions Process Available Funding Increased
On April 7, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
Due to a cancellation of a previously approved moratorium exception project, there is now $821,088 in state funding available in the current moratorium exceptions rounds, up from the $702,144 announced in January. The Long-Term Care Imperative is pushing for additional funding in the current legislature to conduct another round later this year and is glad to see the Senate supporting additional funding, which is much needed to upgrade physical plants to make infection control efforts more effective.
House Includes Proposed Changes to Assisted Living Licensure Laws
On April 7, 2021 by Kari Thurlow
As part of the Minnesota Legislature's budget process, the House of Representatives has included in its Health and Human Services (HHS) omnibus budget bills critical changes to the assisted living licensure law that could significantly disrupt implementation.
Provider Community and MDH Continue Working Toward Vaccination Goal
On April 7, 2021 by Jeff Bostic
In the most recent Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) update, staff rates for full vaccination were 55% in all reporting care centers and 47% in all reporting assisted living settings. These numbers increased slightly in the last week, which is good to see. To reach the MDH goal of 70% staff vaccination rates, providers will need to continue encouraging vaccinations among staff.
Drive for 75: River Pointe of Moorhead Reaches 75% Staff Vaccination Rate Goal
On April 7, 2021 by Julie Apold
As we work toward the LeadingAge goal of 75% of staff receiving their COVID-19 vaccination by July 1, we will be tracking our progress across the LeadingAge Minnesota membership and will be highlighting organizations that have reached or exceeded the Drive for 75 vaccination goal.
Resilience Tip: Yourself as Medicine
On April 7, 2021 by LeadingAge
Featuring Dr. Alyson VanAhn from Associated Clinic of Psychology
In senior care communities, there are a lot of medications passed in the hopes of improving or maintaining the health of residents. What’s often overlooked is all the care that you provide—for residents, colleagues and your own families—is essential medicine, too.
Reducing Staff Vaccine Hesitancy through Individual Conversations
On April 7, 2021 by Terri Foley
The most effective way to address vaccine hesitancy is through conversations with trusted peers, according to the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. With these findings, LeadingAge Minnesota has developed a set of resources to help leaders improve staff vaccination acceptance through a new Safe Care for Staff initiative.
State News
DHS Issues Instructions for Customized Living Providers Transitioning to Assisted Living Licensure
On April 7, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
In a letter to Customized Living providers dated April 1, DHS updated their previous guidance from February 2021. Providers need to consider and act on the following instructions that apply to their setting. Of particular concern is the intention of DHS to suspend payment for Customized Living services to a provider who has not provided evidence of either their AL License or their exemption. LeadingAge Minnesota is working to resolve issues that could arise if applications have been submitted but licenses are not yet available by Aug. 1.
MDH Names New Health Regulation Division Director
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has selected Martha Burton Santibáñez to be the Director of the Health Regulation Division (HRD). The HRD includes various programs affecting aging services providers, including Case Mix Review, Engineering Services, the Office of Health Facility Complaints, Health Occupations, Home Care & Assisted Living, and Licensing & Certification. Prior to assuming the Director position, Ms. Burton Santibáñez served four years as an Assistant Division Director.
DHS Selects New Background Studies Fingerprinting Vendor
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has selected IDEMIA Identity & Security USA LLC (IDEMIA) as the new vendor to provide statewide fingerprint and photo services for background studies submitted to DHS. IDEMIA was selected through a competitive bid process with cost, quality and reliability of service locations considered in proposal evaluations.
Providers Serving Individuals Eligible for Disability Waivers Invited to Waiver Reimagine Information Sessions
On April 7, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
DHS Disability Services Division (DSD) now hosts monthly office hours for providers serving individuals eligible for disability waivers.
In 2019, the Minnesota Legislature authorized DHS to streamline services and simplify the service menu for people who access services through Minnesota’s disability waiver programs:
Federal News
“Information Blocking” Rule Takes Effect But Enforcement Mechanism Is Delayed
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
A set of rules took effect this week that are designed to support secure patient access to electronic medical records, as well as smooth electronic exchange of patient information. The so-called “Information Blocking” rule was developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
Notable News
Grants Available for Online Dementia Care Training Program
On April 7, 2021 by Lori Meyer
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), through the Nursing Facility Rates and Policy (NFRP) Division and the State Civil Monetary Penalties (CMP) Initiative, is seeking proposals from qualified Minnesota Medicaid-Certified Nursing Facilities that are interested in implementing an online Dementia Care Staff Training Program.
LeadingAge MN Foundation Scholarships Available
On April 7, 2021 by Lori Meyer
Investing in the professional development of the aging services workforce is more important now than it has ever been. The LeadingAge Minnesota Foundation is excited to offer educational scholarships to eligible caregivers and other employees of our member organizations for 2021.
BELTSS Seeks Applicants for Director of Assisted Living position – deadline Friday, April 9
On April 7, 2021 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Board of Executives for Long-Term Services and Supports posted the newly created Director of Assisted Living position on the state careers website. The person in the role will lead in the development of all Assisted Living Director (ALD) practice standards. The Board seeks a person with assisted living experience or senior living administration with the core knowledge to assist in implementing course objectives, the ALD-In Residence program, examinations, and continuing education as the AL subject matter expert.
Member News
eMenuCHOICE to Host Free Webinar on Dining Requirements for Assisted Living Licensure
On April 7, 2021 by Libbie Chapuran
eMenuCHOICE, a LeadingAge Minnesota business partner and partner of the Savings & Solutions Center, is hosting a free webinar on April 13 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. to review new dining requirements associated with assisted living licensure. Effective Aug. 1, assisted living settings in Minnesota must be licensed and, as a condition of licensure, assisted living providers must adhere to several new standards related to menus and food requirements, including:
Education Solutions
April 12 Webinar Sheds Light on Navigating Assisted Living Licensure Laws & Rules
On April 7, 2021 by Heidi Simpson
A significant step in preparing for Assisted Living (AL) Licensure is reading and understanding the Minnesota statutes, laws and rules that govern it. AL directors are required to attest to having completed this requirement on both the AL licensure application and their application to become a licensed assisted living director.
Leadership Academy Application Deadline Approaching – April 26
On April 7, 2021 by Barbara Landeen
The deadline to apply for LeadingAge Minnesota’s Leadership Academy is Monday, April 26. Leadership Academy has an 11-year track record of developing and growing leaders in our field by exploring leadership theory, applied learning and coaching by seasoned mentors. More than 300 leaders have graduated from this annual program.