April 7, 2021
MDH Names New Health Regulation Division Director
On April 7, 2021 by Jonathan Lips
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has selected Martha Burton Santibáñez to be the Director of the Health Regulation Division (HRD). The HRD includes various programs affecting aging services providers, including Case Mix Review, Engineering Services, the Office of Health Facility Complaints, Health Occupations, Home Care & Assisted Living, and Licensing & Certification. Prior to assuming the Director position, Ms. Burton Santibáñez served four years as an Assistant Division Director.
When informing LeadingAge Minnesota of the appointment, acting Assistant Commissioner Diane Rydrych noted, “Martha brings so much to the table – a strong vision for HRD’s future, a passion for transformative leadership, wide-ranging knowledge of the division’s work, and a commitment to ensure that HRD is a place where people know that they are contributing to MDH’s mission.”
Ms. Burton Santibáñez assumed her new role effective March 24, and we look forward to working with her in the months ahead.