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March 24, 2021

LeadingAge Conducting Survey on Provider Relief Fund

LeadingAge has launched a member survey to gauge how much Provider Relief Fund (PRF) funding members have received to date, how much unmet need remains, and the reasons for the continued need for more funding. This information will help them advocate to Congress for additional PRF appropriations and articulate why providers still need this help.

HHS has confirmed that roughly $24B remains in the PRF after all prior appropriations. For perspective, this is roughly how much HHS sent out in Phase 3 payments to cover expenses and losses for the first half of 2020. Congress did instruct HHS to use 85% of the remaining funds to cover lost revenues and expenses related to coronavirus incurred during the last half of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021. The survey will help determine whether that $24 billion will be enough to address those needs or if Congress should add more funding.

Congress did add $8.5 billion to PRF for rural providers in the recently enacted American Rescue Plan. HHS has not yet determined how those funds or the remaining PRF balance will be distributed. After both pots of funds are distributed, the PRF will end without additional appropriations.

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