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June 10, 2020

COVID-19 Resource Round-Up: Transparency Builds and Cooperation

If we know one thing to be true during this global pandemic, the media and public will continue to focus on the number of positive COVID-19 cases and deaths related to the virus in long-term care settings. The best way to counter inaccurate media stories and public perception is with consistent transparency of your COVID-19 responsem, including the number of people who have been afflicted by the virus or died from it in your setting.  

Below is a best practice from two LeadingAge MN members – Jones-Harrison and Sholom – who are sharing COVID-19 status in their settings with residents, families, staff and the public by featuring a link from their home page on their website. Sholom also shares this information via a Hotline for those who do not have access to a computer.

For support in communicating or deveeloping your own dashboard, see our Communication – Surge of COVID-19 Cases toolkit. We also encourage you to review our COVID-19 Notification Guidance.

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