June 10, 2020
Disability Services Providers: Can You Engage in Waiver Reimagine?
On June 10, 2020 by Bobbie Guidry
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is considering how best to move forward with previously planned work, including Waiver Reimagine, during COVID-19. DHS is seeking input from disability services providers in their availability to participate in this project.
If you are a provider of waiver disability services, complete this short, five-minute survey about your current and anticipated availability. DHS will use the results to plan what happens next with the project. Survey deadline: Thursday, June 18
Waiver Reimagine
The Waiver Reimagine project is designed to:
- Ensure equal access and benefits across disability waiver programs. The programs will be responsive to a person’s needs, circumstances and preferences.
- Align benefits across waiver programs for people with disabilities, including consistent limits and allowable services
- Provide flexible and predictable benefit changes that recognize life changes and an increased use of technology
- Allow simplified administration that make waivers easier to understand for people who receive services, county and tribal administrators and service providers.
Read more on the Waiver Reimagine webpage.