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Aug. 7, 2019

How Well Do You Know Your Team?

“A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”  -Dale Carnegie. Yet one thing we hear periodically on staff satisfaction surveys is, “my supervisor doesn’t even know my name.” 

Making an effort to truly know your staff is an indication if your organization’s culture.

Knowing each staff member as an individual is important, especially considering older adults services is such a relationship-based profession. Knowing someone as a person means they matter. As a leader, you may know your direct-reports well. But do you know the names of your indirect reports? How about your frontline staff? Or those who work evening or overnight shifts?

Need to develop this skill? Check out these tips on How to Remember Names from Witt Communications.

Get more information in the Workforce Center. Questions? Contact Jenna Kellerman.

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