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July 11, 2018

No Significant Changes in Medicaid on Congressional Agenda before November Elections

As Congress broke for it July 4 recess, LeadingAge provided an update on where our legislative and regulatory issues stand on Capitol Hill and in the federal agencies. 

There are no significant changes in Medicare or Medicaid are on the congressional agenda before the November midterm elections. 

Most of our current legislative activity on Capitol Hill is focused on housing and home- and community-based services appropriations for 2019. House and Senate appropriations committees are marking up legislation and the congressional leadership wants to get individual spending bills done before the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. However, time is relatively short. It appears that once again there will be some sort of continuing resolution. 

On the regulatory front, LeadingAge filed comments on the proposed Medicare payment rules for skilled nursing facilities and hospice that include provisions on value-based purchasing, quality reporting, and reform of the payment system. We also continue our advocacy on reform of the nursing home oversight system.

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