Oct. 12, 2023
News from LeadingAge: HUD Posts Disaster Preparedness Plan Template
On October 12, 2023 by LeadingAge
HUD’s new Multifamily Disaster Preparedness Plan Template is designed to help HUD-assisted housing providers create property-specific plans to protect resident life and safety during a disaster.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Multifamily Disaster Preparedness Plan Template to help HUD-assisted multifamily owners and Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) produce property-specific plan(s) to protect resident life and safety during a disaster. The template draws upon best practices for disaster and evacuation planning and provides resources for users to learn more as they consider their property’s needs.
According to HUD, the template is designed to guide users through the process of gathering appropriate information and resident input, drafting a plan, and educating residents and staff about the plan. Multifamily owners and PHAs will be prompted to consider both the specific climate hazards faced by the property (based on the FEMA National Risk Index, historical hazards in the area, and other applicable sources of information) and resident needs. The plan includes worksheets for an evacuation plan that incorporates safe egress route(s), plans for evacuating residents with special needs, and clear communication of the evacuation plan and safety resources for residents.
The tool is organized under four essential elements to disaster planning:
- Background, Staffing, and Coordination
- Resident Protection and Safety
- Building Protection
- Business Continuity
Who Should Complete this Plan Template?
PHAs and other HUD-assisted multifamily owners in collaboration with staff and residents. While some HUD Multifamily-assistance programs require owners to have a disaster preparedness plan, it is a best practice for all multifamily properties to have a plan for disasters.